Can it be possible that you haven't written your blog on our web-site yet?
Can it be true that your friends might betray you?
Can you sleep well after watching horror movies?
Can you believe in your dreams?
Could it be true that people possess some paranormal abilities?Added (04.01.2010, 19:15)
Quote (8davids8)
4) Could it be true that there are people speaking 10 and more languages
yes, Max, I think it's possible. Any way i have some friends and they speak 5-7 languages. According to this fact, i can suppose that speaking 10 languages is possible.
Added (04.01.2010, 19:18)
Quote (Rina)
5. Can you always control your feelings and emotions?
I cant. All my emotions and feelings are on my face, so it is very difficult for me to control it. I know that its bad and there are a lot of special methods that teaching how to control your feelings, but for me its useless.