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Words from the group "All or Nothing'
Former-TeacherDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 13:36 | Message # 1
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There are a lot of words that express different shades of everything or nothing.
Actually, we always want to have a lot but lose little.
We say: a great deal of, plenty of, lots of, a huge number of, a wealth of, enormous, tiny, a trifle, a handful of, scarcity, deficit, etc.
In addition, there are a great number of other words and phrases that relate to the concepts of 'ALL' or "NOTHING".
Leave your examples here.
MissJaneDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 13:43 | Message # 2
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Even if you haven’t got a plethora (= a great deal) of money, there is no reason for being parsimonious (= stingy).
Because of the dearth (= lack) of natural resources in the country, the government is ready to take a penny-pinching (= economical) extraction program.
Though he was a prolific (= fruitful) amateur in art, his friends didn’t consider him a prodigy (= a gifted person).
The rapid proliferation (= growth) of nuclear weapons use puts the planet on the edge of the third World War.
Don’t squander (= waste) the money you haven’t earned.
The administration of the city center should practice the strictest frugality (= thriftiness) and economy as they are planning to hold an aggregate (= a great amount) of sporting events.
I enjoy watching the cartoon about the small inhabitants of the Earth – various insects and birds; it’s called “The Miniscule” (= very small).
AyayuliaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 13:45 | Message # 3
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Prodigy – a gifted child. This Russian pianist was a prodigy in his days.
Parsimony - greediness Due to official parsimony only the one machine was manufactured.
Penury – poverty. His wife reduced him to penury.
Paucity – scarcity A paucity of information may cause great problems
To aggregate – to gather, form or group in smth. Population is aggregated in small villages
Prolific – very productive. This has been a prolific year for apples.

alex_makhDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 13:48 | Message # 4
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1)There's a plethora (great amount)of books in our library and their number proliferates (grows rapidly)every year.
2)I should be frugal(economical), even sometimes parsimonious (thrifty)if a want to buy a new laptop.
3)My old laptop is so big that I can call it prodigious(enormous, very big).
4)And against the background of my old laptop, the new one will look miniscule(extremely small).
5)After buying a new car Max will obviously live in penury (poverty)for a couple of months.
6)Proliferation (growth)of patrol prices makes many people sad.
7)In many countries the price of gas is nominal(small, insignificant).
8)But in Russia people squander (waste, spend) thousands of rubles to service their cars.
RinaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 13:51 | Message # 5
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He has written more that 50 novels – he was a prolific writer. Very productive
Он написал более 50 романов - он был крайне "плодовитым" писателем.

They died in shame and penury. Poverty
Они умерли в позоре и нищете.

He was extremely munificent – he was always ready to share his last penny with a pauper. Generous, a person who can easily give money to others
Он был чрезвычайно щедрым человеком, всегда готовым поделиться с бедняком последней копейкой.

The old lady was very frugal and she was always looking for sales. Thrifty, economical
Она была крайне экономной старушкой, всегда охотилась за распродажами и скидками.

The young man is a real spender – he always squanders money. To spend money on useless stuff, to waste
Молодой человек был настоящим транжирой, он всегда растрачивал деньги.

She's so parsimonious that people even call her “this old Scrooge-bat”. Thrifty, stingy, economical
Она была крайне чрезвычайно бережливой дамой, люди даже называли ее старой скупой каргой.

They couldn't afford plethora of things. A lot of, a great deal of
Они не могли позволить себе множество вещей.

She was a penny-pinching lady – she was even afraid of spending her money. Stingy, thrifty, scrooge, very economical, a person who want to save his money
Она была настолько экономной дамой, что даже перспектива траты денег пугала ее.

In the nearest future the world can come across the dearth of natural resources. Lack, scarcity
в ближайшем будущем мир может столкнуться с нехваткой природных ресурсов.

The aggregate of facts mentioned makes the whole situation clear. Total sum
Все упомянутые факты проясняют ситуацию.
TeacherDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 13:59 | Message # 6
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1) He was an absolute prodigy (= extremely gifted child) so we got a plethora (= a great number, amount) of bright ideas every day.
2) Our prolific (= fruitful, productive) business allows us to be munificent (= generous, being not greedy).
3) There was a period of attrition (= decrease, decay), that’s why people had to be frugal (thrifty, economical).
4) He was so parsimonious (= stingy, saving) that he didn’t want to spend even a nominal part of his prodigious (= great, large, big) amount of money.
5) We have an aggregate (= amount) of paintings. It is really magnificent (= large, great). We have to be stingy to make it proliferate (= grow, increase).
6) You are so penny-pinching (= aviricious, stingy)! But your wellbeing is prodigious (= huge, enormous, great) at the same time! 7) It’s stupid to live in penury (= poverty) having such an aggregate (= amount) of material resources.
7) Don’t squander (= waste) much. Otherwise you’ll reduce (= come) to penury (= poverty) soon.
8) This robot has minuscule (= limited, little) intellect. The aggregate (= amount, set, veariety) of his abilities is nominal (= minimal, little).
9) Parsimony (= greediness) must be limited.

In Vino Veritas...
LuckDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:01 | Message # 7
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1) The fact that you don't earn much doesn't mean that you should be parsimonious (greedy).
2) You should be more frugal now if you want to spend your next summer in the USA (economical).
3) This news has proliferated very fast (spread).
4) Buying this car was a real money-squandering (a waste of money).
5) He did not know the situation well because of the dearth of information (lack).
6) Only prodigies can study at this school since the curriculum is very difficult (talanted, gifted children).
7) This art gallery is an aggregate of real masterpieces (a collection).
8) A plethora of people gathered on the square to claim their rights (a lot of).
9) He grew up a very reserved man because of the paucity of attention (lack).
MegastarostaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:02 | Message # 8
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Prodigy – a gifted child. His son was a very successful painter; it was not a secret that he was a prodigy.
Enormous- prodigious. He created an enormous project.
Proliferation – distribution. Proliferation of cruelty in society will spoil our children.
Penny-pinching – avaricious. My neighbour is very penny-pinching, she doesn’t want to pay water and gas bills.
Squander- to waste. Don’t squander your time.
TanyaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:04 | Message # 9
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He was a very munificent person (generous person).
Squandering was his worse treat. (waste)
Their child was predigest . (a gifted person)
We couldn't believe that he died in penury. (poverty, lack of money)
His aggregate of depts was incredible. (a great number)
They bought the house with very prolific soil. (fertile)
For dearth of labor force, many factories went bankrupts. (lack of)
AsyaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:11 | Message # 10
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1. He was a very prolific writer. (fruitful)
2. Our fortune proliferated. (grew rapidly)
3. He's such a parsimonious person! He is not munificent at all! (extremely careful in spending; generous)
4. He lives in penury and, therefore, the aggregate of his possessions is minuscule. (poverty; the sum-total; very-very small).
5. You should praise him. He's done such a prodigious work! (enormous)
AyayuliaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:15 | Message # 11
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Those who have much are usually not characterized by munificence (необыкновенная щедрость). My friend Jack was a prodigy (одарённый, гений) in literature and he wrote a prodigious (чрезмерный) number of novels. Last year was the most prolific (плодородный) for him, so his wealth proliferated (быстро увеличиваться, разрастаться). He squandered (проматывать) his money on luxuries while his sister lived in penury (бедность). Nevertheless, his sister never accused his celebrated relative of parsimony (жадность). It seemed that even nominal (номинальные) relationship made her happy.

MissJaneDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:17 | Message # 12
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Taking part in charity projects has always been my favourite pastime. Realizing the penury (нищета) in which many people live makes my hair rise. The philosophy of their life is actually based upon frugality of all costs (умеренность расходов) and parsimony of all expenditures (расчет всех затрат). They live in miniscule apartments (крошечный комнатах) (and sometimes they don’t have such at all); the amount of food they consume is nominal (ничтожный) and they even die of attrition (лишения). We cannot even compare their state with the proliferating possessions of money-bags (умножающиеся богатства толстосумов). The wealthiest people have no concept of paucity of life resources (нехватка жизненных ресурсов). But they should. Even if rich people are not ready to squander (расточать) money, nothing prevents them from being munificent (щедрый). They possess an aggregate (множество) of things they may share with others. So the object of my actions is always to find ways to allocate prodigious sums (грандиозные суммы) of money to help those who suffer from dearth of welfare (недостаток благ).
AsyaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:30 | Message # 13
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Students' life

We're not prodigies. But our teachers force us to be very prolific in order not to live in penury and not to have a minuscule aggregate of possessions.Therefore, we get a plethora of home assignments, it means that our home task is prodigious. As far as we have paucity of knowledge, our munificent teachers never hesitate to share their life experience with us, thus our skills and competences proliferate.
To conclude, we never suffer from a dearth of work.
TeacherDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:39 | Message # 14
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I had a friend. He was very rich. His business was prodigious (= успешный, процветающий). And it proliferated (= улучшаться, расширяться) by the day. He didn’t squander (= тратить) a penny. His expenditures (= расходы) were nominal (= минимальный, незначительный). My friend was a magnificent (= величайший) penny-pincher (= скряга)! I can say that parsimony (= скупость, скряжничество) became his alter ego. I was absolutely damped by his stinginess (= жадность, скупость). One day he got an absolute plethora (= изобилие, большое количество) of money and material resources. That was the moment he understood that he had no real aim in his life. All his life principles concerned only material proliferation (= увеличение, умножение). So he decided to do good for other people. He became munificent (= щедрый). His life remained frugal (= скупой, экономный), but only because of his prodigious (= успешный, плодотворный) beneficence. His aggregate (= большое количество) of material resources helped much in struggle with penury (= бедность).

In Vino Veritas...
RinaDate: Wednesday, 28.03.2012, 14:40 | Message # 15
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The story of an unsuccessful prodigy
No one doubted that he was a real prodigy (= a talented person) who was born to become the luckiest man ever. He was talented enough to become a prolific (= productive) writer, artist or popular actor. He was destined to lead luxurious life, full of plethora (= a great deal of) of riches and prodigious (= enormous) number of pleasures one can even imagine. No one could believe that unclouded happiness will never be typical of his being and that at the end of his life he will find himself in shameful penury (= poverty) that goes hand in hand with paucity (= lack of) of money and paucity (= lack of) of self-respect.
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