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Main » 2010 » June » 1 » Annoucement!
Please, carefully insert you photos and videos into news, because they affect each other, and the main page disfunctions. If you see that your news somehow influences the main page try to expirement by deleting additional gizmos that you used to add. But actually this time when July posted her news with photos, it occured that it affected Asya's news with videos and photos, so Asya's was the "culprit", and that's why there was no other way but to edit Asya's news. So it may be not only your misfortune but of any of your mate. I guess there should be some "bug" regularity according to which the system works improperly, like there can't be two sophisticated pieces of news in a row, or they can be displayed properly only if there are two of them on the page. I don't know actually, and I have no time to find it out, but I appeal to you to be responsible for all you write - it may be anyone's mistake that has led to the web-site incorrect work. It doesn't mean of course that you shouldn't use interactive functions.

Sincerely yours, Max)
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