Saturday, February, 27 in Ryazan was marked by an unpleasant and debatable event. The head of the local department of "For Human Rights” movement, Alexander Bechtold, was taken in custody after distributing leaflets which contained information about violation of electoral rights. The leaders of the movement claim that the very detention is the violation of human rights. Handing out leaflets is not a picket; Bechtold was just walking along the streets. And this is not a delict. The arrest is associated with the oncoming election to Ryazan region Duma. Ryazan authorities withhold comments.
I always get frustrated when I read such news. The question in the title has a negative answer, which is so humiliating. Unfortunately it proves that our country has a long way to go towards a really democratic system. Will we ever get there, I wonder?
I know him, by the way. He's a stepfather of my old friend. He told me once that Mr. Bechtold was threatened by skinheads with a reprisal. He is a very famous ryazan human rights activist.