Rushing to update you all on the event. well, the First Phonetic Contest was a success. We had a bit over 40 participants from 16 schools. This event was the final one. Before that city schools were recommended to make preliminary selection in their quarters and chose the best candidates for the Final Event. I hope all of the participants liked the contest.
Of course, we understand that some of the things went bad. For example:
- it took us about an hour to sum up the results, identify the winners, fill in the Certificates;
- we hadn't arranged for refreshments and snacks (the total duration was actually about 5 hours, so the students were hungry)
- there should be more symbols and decorations because it has a flavour of a good show
Well, since I represented the Educational Centre 'Additone', I also awarded a few best ones with Diplomas of Participation in two nominations: 'Native Speaker' and 'Best TV Show Host'.