Main » 2011»June»9 » Learn to live longer - British experts
Learn to live longer - British experts
The level of education influences life span, British cardiology experts say. Reports by the BBC say that education helps people to make the right choice in health-related matters and cope with stress. These findings are the result of an experiment in which scientists took blood samples from 400 people aged between 53 and 75 to gauge so-called telomeres – parts of DNA chromosomes responsible for longevity. It turned out that people with low levels of education had shorter telomeres than highly educated ones. Life expectancy for people with less education is thus shorter, researchers claim, saying that wealth had no influence on longevity at all. Well-educated individuals make the right choices and lead healthy lifestyles, fully aware of what they should avoid to stay in good shape. Also, educated people are more advanced thinkers and are exposed to greater mental rigour. According to research, mental activity has a good effect on human health because it activates neurohumoral processes. For this reason, people involved in intellectual activities live longer. The research, however, is far from a breakthrough - it is substantiating from a medical point of view what scientists have known all along.
Thinking has always been regarded as a life-prolonging activity. Do you remeber our philosopher teacher once said: "The one who thinks would live longer than the one who doesn?".
I've heard that in order to stay young and health you shpuld keep your brains fit. And the only way to do it is making them work))) From this poit of view it seems very logical that one's education makes one's life-span longer)))
Usually we can hear things like "stress makes our life shorter!" But high education, well-paid job and other things of this kind provoke that very stress:)) Here scientists try to prove us an opposite thing. But I agree with their opinion. Doing nothing will never make your life longer))