The other day Mr. Luzhkov, the present mayor of Moscow, was discredeted by a row of provocative tv-programes having shown the whole truth about him. Trying to be impartial I can't but still say that four pro-government channels showed video-materials defaming the personality of Yuriy Luzhkov. Not only does he spend state's money, but he is the main cause of Moscow problems of all kinds as well. Now some court proceedings are going to be conducted against these channels, and to my mind the future of Luzhkov is already decided. Being a radical youngster (students of all times were redical, so pray don't blame me) I can't but offer my opinion on the events. My mind mocks me at high political figures including the president and the vice-president being involved. Once a behind-the-scene dubious game by Mr. Luzhkov has been lost his must is to obey to his Lord. His will is not taken into account, and his undesirable presence in high political circles is no more desirable. Many beleive the post will be taken by someone else, and then we'll see what's awaiting Moscow.