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Main » 2011 » November » 15 » Nikas Safronov is a crook
Nikas Safronov is a crook
Nikas Safronov’s exhibition has failed in Ryazan. Thousands of our citizens, especially artists and photographers were disappointed and furious. The reason for such reaction was those paintings that people all over the world get as a masterpiece. This great scandal began when Nikas Safronov told how he draws his paintings, he just prints it and covers by a coat of paint. I want to mention, that each painting costs more than 3 000 euros.
Views: 1122 | Added by: Megastarosta | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 Sileneee  
It's really shock for me to learn that Nikas Safronov does't paint his pictures, I like them in any way.When I saw them a question arose ,how he can create such wonderful pictures and people there as on photos though I don't like his sea,Aivasovsky was more succesful in it .May be his technic is rather strange but in any case he is a very popular artist and a lot of rich people are ready to pay much money for his masterpiese.

1 lovefootball)  
Really?! Why? I know that he's far from being a nation-wide hero but such unfriendliness...Well, I don't claim to be a judge of art but to tell the truth I was looking forward to his exhibition and I wasn't disappointed at all! The only thing I can find fault with is the scale: I expected it to be more imposing. Still a lot of my acquaintances speak rather harshly about his works on the whole.

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«  November 2011  »

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