Airline “Animal Airways” (the first airline who started transporting animals by air) is going to open the headquarters in Moscow. This airline offers different kinds of transportation of our pets to any place in the world. People in our country like domestic animals very much and maybe that was one of the reasons for “placing” “Animal Airways” in Russia too.
Actually I think that this is not such a great idea...I can hardly imagine my poor cat on board the plane like these:) Or maybe it's just because my cat is not aristocratic:) enough. Anyway, I would never allow him to fly alone!:)
I think it's really great that such airlines appear. People need a lot of things in life. Who not pet planes? I know that in some countries there are pet hotels as well. Owners can leave their pets in a special hotel while being away from home for different reasons. Pets are taken care of - given food, walked, taken to a hairdresser, taken to swimming pools, and the like. Well, why not! This can be a good business in Russia.
In Croatia there is a special spa for those who come in the country to holidays with dogs. In restaurants there dogs are given water and some food, they can relax together with their masters.
Animals will travel alone? And is it safe enough for them? When I try to imagine this, I think about pure-bred dogs and glasses of champagne near them)