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Main » 2010 » December » 17 » "Edinaya Rossiya" with its educational innovations
"Edinaya Rossiya" with its educational innovations
As usual. My news is about education. And nothing positive.
Just now I've eventually come across this article. And it irritated me. I decided to share my emotions with you.
So, what is the article about? Out leading party claims that our educational system fails to work. Because young citizens of Russia are not patriots. What do they suggest? To change the curriculum! According to them, a school day must be divided into two parts. During the first one pupils will study, and during the second one - they will be taught patriotism, for example, they will be doing search-works on fields of battle glory.
So, the number of subjects students have to study will be diminished to 4. But these won't be Maths, Russian, or Literature. These will be PE and the like.
All the other subjects will be optional.
According to this party, these changes should concern senior classes (from the 9th grade).
If this law is accepted, it will cause a total crash of our educational system. That's my opinion. And what do you think?
Views: 1090 | Added by: Asya | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 9
3 8davids8  
I liked the phrase - "The events on the Manezhnaya Square will never take place". What does it mean? How does it go with the upbringing of patriots? Caucasian peoples will never get that feeling of patriotism towards Russia, will never regard themselves as Russians. The Ministry guys seem to beleive that it will have positive results. But i reckon everything will be visa versa - those new patriots exposed to excessive patriotic education will become nationalists, chauvinists and all the like. Robots will do their robot job - eradicate non-Russians. That will lead to more disturbances in this multi-national country. What's the point in this saying?

9 MissJane  
You know, in order to make people notice some changes in their lives you needn't actually do something - just make this something seem to have been done.
Lots of people are really vexed with this Caucasian problem - and it looks like there's no way out. Our government's quite witty - "Let's initiate some global changes! Let's bring up the right nation" - which means in fact "it doesn't matter what we're doing, it's more important that we are doing!" And that infuses people with hope that something will be changed somehow. Hope is what enables us to be patient and tolerant to injustices.

2 Rina  
PE instead of literature? Civil Defence instead of Maths? Oh, our government has its definite aim - to create a generation of stupid but devoted soldiers. It reminds me of some books about certain postapocaliptycal world of dictatorship where all the people were zombied patriots, unable to see what's really going on around them. It is well-known that the government doesn't need clever and intelligent people who can analyse their work, make decisions... Yeh, let's be brainless soldiers!
See the Grammar Link at

5 Ayayulia  
A brilliant example of such literary work is the novel “We” by Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin and I think that our government really want us to become a manageable flock of sheep.

6 Former-Teacher  
Could you give me this book to read?

8 Asya  
You can download it from here.

7 Asya  
I also like this book very much.
When I was reading it I was thinking about our future. About whether it describes our future... I think, it does.

1 Former-Teacher  
What I think is definite! The educational system has been hunted down. You can judge about by what is going on in Universities. Collapse is just a few years ahead. When the currently working generation of teachers retires (including myself), schools will be different. If my messages are read by the security agents, I will soon be hunted down, too. Knowledge, skills and competences have always been the main goals. They are the basis for any patriotism, never otherwise. To reduce literature, maths, sciences, arts to the benefit of patriotism is a catastrophic mistake because this will give birth to an uneducated generation unable to think, make decisions, maintain national values and culture....
I don't know what to do.... The Health Care system has almost collapsed. People who are well and healthy don't notice it, those who are stricken with illnesses are out there alone. Individual doctors are good people, but as a system they are bad. The same will soon be with us teachers, with me... I won't be able to work well....

4 Asya  
"an uneducated generation unable to think, make decisions"
I think you are right here. That's the main purpose of our government. Such a generation would be easy to govern. Uneducated masses are likely to follow their leaders without a word of dissatisfaction or disbelief.

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