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Main » 2011 » May » 29 » Say Stop to Abortions!
Say Stop to Abortions!
Today, May, 29 is a special day for holding the International public action “Stop Abortions”. Ryazan has taken an active part to remind people once again about the ‘legal crime’, as abortions are usually called. informs that they were planning to light 6.5 thousand candles in commemoration of those children who were not born. This is the exact figure of the babies that might have been born in Ryazan region in 2010. The candle-lighting has taken place on the bank of Oka near the bridge (on the way to Solotcha).
The organizer of the action the Orthodox Medical-Enlightened Center ‘Life’, cooperating with students and local public organizations, held “The Green Ribbon” action. Young people distributed leaflets and green ribbons to by-passers explaining that a person’s life begins from the moment of conception.
I saw a few cars with the people in them holding flags and banners “We are against abortions!”
Views: 890 | Added by: MissJane | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 5
5 Sileneee  
Unfortunately it is a very urgent problem nowadays,I agree that it's a woman's choice. Abortions are necessary sometimes (because of a woman's disease).But, of course, they are awfull because it's a murder, a little child isn't to blame that his mother and father don't want him...

4 Rina  
I tend to believe that it is a woman's personal choice - to get an abortion or not, just because it concerns HER health. And other people who are organizing public actions and protest against this "killing", who have nothing to do with her life - let them stay aside and watch themselves. I neither approve of abortions, nor disapprove of them. I just belive that there are life-situations when they are inevitable and indispensable.

3 Luck  
It is for sure that usually choosing between dying or making an abortion, a woman chooses the second option. And in my opinion it is also right. Just think, who will bring up the child if the mother is dead? I think the "solution" can be different in a concrete situation so there is no need to say just "abortions are bad" or "abortions are good".

2 MissJane  
I really don't know whether we can reach a single agreement on the problem and claim that abortions must be forbidden (the same thing concerns the issue of euthanasia). It is widely known that some women are justified to have pregnancy terminated because they have to make a choice: to save their own lives or to give birth to a child. So in general I admit it is a problem of ethics.

1 Luck  
I think such public actions must be held because only with the help of them we will be able to call people's attention to such serious problems. On the other hand, it's up to every woman to decide whether to make an abortion or not. And anyway it is a great tragedy for any woman or any family and I suppose we do not have a right to judge them. But in general I am definitely against abortions and maybe with the help of such "stop-abortions-actions" people will think more about this delicate problem and definitely try to make a right decision.

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