Main » 2011»June»14 » Сold cereals are dangerous for children
Сold cereals are dangerous for children
In the morning when we don't want to spend much time to cook breakfast, we eat cold cereals - just some flakes and milk - easy and fast. According to ads it's healthy and substantial. But doctors have another opinion. They have proved that cold cereals contain harmful to one's health ingridients - harmful coloring matter for foodstuffs, preservatives, emulsifiers and aromatizers. More than that the amount of sugar in these "fast breakfasts" is two times over the limit. According to doctors, schoolchildren shouln't eat cold cereals more frequent than once a week and preschool children shouldn't eat them at all.
Oh, I always envy those people who dont spent much time making breakfast. Actually none of members in my family eats cereal on breakfast. That is why I always make pancakes, porridge, cheesecakes and so on.
I do not eat cereals at all..neither with hot not with cold milk...And I have always thought that it's better to eat something ...I do not know ...something tastier))