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Main » 2012 » April » 8 » Was Jesus happy?
Was Jesus happy?

Americans tend to think Jesus was happy, extroverted, agreeable, kind and caring.

Koreans, on the other hand, associate Jesus more with suffering, sacrifice, and pity, according to a recent analysis in Personality and Social Psychology Connections and a paper published in the Journal of Research in Personality.

Responses to the simple question about Jesus and happiness, whose Biblical depiction is essentially the same worldwide, turn out to involve complex factors, such as shared life histories among groups of people, culture and possibly even genetics. All of these can affect how an individual defines what the optimal personality or self should look like.

Views: 1341 | Added by: Teacher | Tags: religion, Bible, Faith | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
3 MissJane  
Happiness means to know that your life is worth something. In this respect, Jesus Christ was the happiest man to have ever trod on earth.

2 Strawberry1992  
The question is seemed to be strange, because the idea of happiness in the privious centures is different from the idea of happiness in our time. The misfortune happened with Jesus but it did not make him unhappy. The God said that we should'n afraid of killers of our bodies.

1 lovefootball)  
Ohh...actually I can't even say what I think about this very investigation itself. On the one hand it's most natural that people are curious and meticulous, so no wonder that such a pivotal figure as Jesus Christ causes various discussions. But! Is it ethical? I'm not trying to fing faults with something but what about generally accepted taboo words? Maybe we shouldn't take His name in vain so often...

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