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"He is very cruel...", "You are too cruel to me...", "Her cruelty passes all bounds...". All of us hear such phrases many times during our life. I think, that everyone asks himself such questions, as "What does it mean, to be cruel?", "Why are we cruel from time to time?", "Why are we the most cruel with our relatives and intimate friends?" So, let's try to speak about cruelty...

It is said, that we suck in cruelty with mother's milk. But there is another point of view: the society teaches us to be cruel. In my opinion, every person comes to this world with the inner balance of good and evil. A newborn, please your honour, has both cruelty and mercifulness, but growing up in society, a man chooses his own way of life and behaviour. So, we are what we create ourselves.

Cruelty has two sides: moral and outer. If you shout at others without any reason, miscall anybody, try to beat somebody to his or her knees or just hurt people, you are a morally cruel person. If you torment somebody irrespectively if it gives you psychic income or not, you are physically cruel.

Why do we become cruel? There are some causes. Firstly, something or somebody can irritate us for a long time, and, finally, we become cruel because of that. Secondly, we possibly have rugged life, and it makes us cruel. Thirdly, we are cruel, because it is just our avatar. Whether or no almost everyone can be cruel at least once in his life.

Think about yourselves. When we speak to a foreign or unfamiliar person, we try to show our best merits. And only agnate people know a lot about us, our good and bad sides. If I'm talking about cruelty, I realise the same situation. The closer a person is to us, the more cruel we are to him. I don't know how it works. Maybe, we think, that our relatives and friends can easily forgive us, maybe there is another interior reason.

So, we've tried to answer some questions about cruelty. We can also speak about a word-combination "insensate cruelty", but I just want you to keep in your mind one thing: don't hurt others (foreigners, friends, relatives, parents, children, even animals). The world itself is cruel... and without our "help". That's why all our acts of cruelty are needless.

To conclude I must say, that, in spite of everything, we are the most cruel to ourselves. So, love other people and be kind to yourself.

Category: Articles | Added by: Teacher (07.06.2009)
Views: 816 | Comments: 7 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 7
7 Vasilisa  
I think our inner world depends on external reasons. Where we live, with whom we live and communicate, where we work, what we see day after day, what we hear...
And cruel appears from cruelty. It is a chain. Nowadays cruelty is a way of protection. If it is a cruelty toward people. But if it is cruelty toward animals it can be considered as illness.

5 lovefootball)  
Seagull, are you sure that we come to this world with the inner balance? And what about heredity?

6 Teacher  
I am sure. Heredity influences us, but not always.

4 Asya  
There's a song in Russian. I like one thought from it "Our nearest people get less love than the others". So, when we treat someone as a close friend we behave naturelly and hurt him more. As for me, it's true.
And I agree withTanya that we sometimes have to be cruel. Everything in this world should be balance. To my mind, cruelty balances love...

3 Luck  
it doesn't have any justifications agree with you..

2 Teacher  
Tanya, sometimes we have to be cruel... There are situations, in which our atrocity is just a reaction to exterior threat. Also, speaking about soldiers during wars, they have to be cruel etc., because from time to time they don't have any other way to survive. But, as it were, cruelty is cruelty, and, to tell the truth, it doesn't have any justifications.

1 Luck  
we are what we create ourselves this is the most important thought in this article. It's especially awful when we are cruel to our relatives and friends. But don't you think that sometimes we have to be cruel? Though I believe that nobody deserves cruelty. smile

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