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Intuition, or expecting a miracle….
The light of intuition always brightens the thing you haven’t known and you couldn’t have known, you have never felt and couldn’t have felt. An ability to find out the truth before you can figure it out logically was called intuition by ancient people. In other words, this sixth sense is a capability to listen to the messages of the outer world using your inner one. Your inner voice is your silent Teacher that is always by your side. Intuition is also called as insight or undersense because it can’t be controlled by our mind. It is an incident glance at your entity. Intuition is much more powerful than all the rest forms of cognition. Insight acts quickly, like a lightning or a flash. It doesn’t need any proof, it doesn’t rely on reasoning. On the contrary, if you try to concentrate on something, you’ll never achieve that by means of intuition. Due to the sixth sense a person can easily and immediately imagine the whole picture of reality. This person anticipates what will happen next, he sees how the events will develop. But he is practically unable to describe this in words. And naturally, he fails to explain how he has got these facts. American psychotherapist Eric Burn says, “Intuition means that we know something not knowing how we have learned that”. A classical illustration of insight is the story about Archimedes who jumped out of the bath shouting “Eureka!”
A person who has a great intuition can intercept subconscious information – for instance, noticing intonation, mimics, gestures, expression of the eyes of his interlocutor he can understand a lot of those things that are not supposed to be told him. Likewise our consciousness misses many signs, fine details that come from nature and the world around us, but our subliminal mind stores them up.
Have you ever thought how you make decisions? How does that come into your mind? Do you always count on your wits or do you prefer listening to your inner vibrations? As for me, I never rely only on my reason. Only if I try to find some determining feeling inside me, I can act, accept or refuse some ideas. I can’t say that I have a developed intuition though if I believed in horoscopes, I would find some evidence for that. They say that people of my zodiac symbol possess an enormous power to foresee the right decision. However, sometimes I happen to feel some vague anticipation, a raylet, let me call it. And even if I don’t follow it, then I see that it was the saving way out. You can believe it or not, but I am convinced that there is something that gives us hints in difficult situations. We would be unwise if we didn’t use it. The only thing that we need is to LISTEN to it. And this beam of hope will find us for sure.
Category: Articles | Added by: MissJane (09.06.2009)
Views: 861 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
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2 lovefootball)  
People always tend to have doubts, that's why we need intuition to help us. Unfortunately, sometimes we don't listen to it but just try to persuade ourselves that we do! And maybe it's not 'unfortunately' and logic should prevail?

1 Asya  
Jane, I also think that there is something that gives us hints in difficult situations and a sign which road to choose when we are at crossroads. I try to follow them but sometimes don't, believing that's illogical and stupid. And then I understand that I shouldn't have tried to escape my fate.

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