To tell the truth I really wanted to be a teacher when I was a child. I remember that I taught math my neighbor when I was 7. I explained her the addition of figures. Time passed and I had my first practice at school number 65. I taught pupils English. I cant say that it was interesting for me or I got up every morning with the idea that I should be in a hurry because I want to be at school as soon as it possible. No. Of course I tried to make my lessons interesting and as a designer and an artist I used pictures, Power Point presentations a lot. But I knew that my practice wont last forever that is why it wasn’t difficult for me to be so positive at the lessons and make them unique. And two weeks ago I had my second practice at school 65 again. I wasn’t so nervous as I was before my first practice, I knew what I should do and what I should wait from my pupils. I had the 4th class and to be honest they were worse than my previous class. That is why I didn’t want to waste all my enthusiasm at the lessons because I knew that it was useless. I can be proud of one thing – a discipline. Some of you can say that it is the most difficult thing especially in 9th-11th forms. But it didn’t bring me any difficulty to make a working atmosphere and silence. I gave my pupils as many tasks as it possible and they couldn’t even raise their heads or chat during the lesson. And I could achieve it only in my second practice. One thing made me disappointed – pupils’ behavior. It is known for every one that our school system changed a lot from USSR’s times and now teacher can’t even put a bad mark for the discipline. And pupils know it and they use it a lot. Them can allow to argue with a teacher, to outrage teacher. And they wont get any punishment for these actions.