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New Means of Communication Change us All - Forum analysis (by Rina)
04.01.2011, 23:37
What means of communication do you know? Which of them play the most important role in modern society? These and other questions were discussed on the forum section “New Means of Communication Change us All”. Three threads concerning different aspects of modern communication were created. Let's take a brief look at each of them.
"New Means of Communication (Can they really change us?)” mostly deals with the question “How do modern means of communication change our life-perception?”. If we analyse the posts in this section we'll find out that all the participants of the discussion have agreed that humanity is influenced by modern means of communication, that people's mind is changing, adopting itself to the changes in communication styles (“Every new step of progress influences people's mentality", "You see, now the way we think differs from the one a hundred years ago. Our minds have so-to-say acquired a different structure", "These are new people with new mentality", "I think technologies really change our needs"). Another important question discussed is connected with the problem of the development of different means of communication. Answers given to this question let us regard this process as “everlasting”, “permanently developing”. So, the predictions are quite positive – the only future for different means of communication is... evolution and progress. Actually, the purpose of the section was to study the influence new means of communication exert on us and this aim was achieved.
The Variety of Means of Communication (What do you prefer?). "What means of communication do you prefer?” - this is the question the discussion in the section is based on. Users were able to choose among the list of possible variants (cell phones, ISQ, E-Mail, Social networks, scrolling chats and forums). Here are the results:

As you can see, the most popular means of communication is using cell phones. The users explain why they choose mobiles: “I prefer cell phones, it is small, useful, convenient”, “I prefer mobile phones because at least it imitates face-to-face communication”, “I can at least hear one's reaction immediately when calling him)) Moreover, it's easier to find someone just calling him (or sending sms)”. During the discussion other questions arose - “What are the advantages and disadvantages of social networks?”, “How do they reflect our reality?”. So, we can judge that the whole discussion was focused not only on the main theme, but a lot of sub-themes, which made the communication vivid, expressive and motivating.
Two sections mentioned above are somehow connected, while the third one stands a little bit aside. It is called “Strangers on the site... “ and deals with the question “Avatars and nicknames - what do we hind behind them?”. Actually, this section became the most popular and a great deal of replies were posted there. Why did the users pay their attention to this section? The answer is simple – it concerns their own views and preferences. In other sections they were supposed to share their opinion towards this or that problem and in many cases the answers didn't differ much, that created repetition of the ideas and it undoubtedly demotivated users. But in this case we come across the situation when EACH of them has his OWN explanation. And it's obviously more interesting to find out why your groupmate (or just a person you are acquainted with) chooses this or that nickname and avatar.
To conclude I can say that the section “New Means of Communication” is quite popular and interesting for users, because it deals with the problems we come across every day.

Added by: Rina |
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