What is conflict? For some it means
simple confrontation of interests, which is not simple at all, as far as
confrontation usually happens because of a long row of preceding factors, such
as hatred, different views on the world, or simply a fight. Conflict means negative attitude of any two sides
towards each other. For the reasons of
its elimination, theses parties are trying to solve the conflict and the only
way they find is violent or aggressive one. Here, the most important is that
any conflict seeks for solution. Why do we create conflicts then, if solutions
are usually connected with some negative consequences? I believe this lies in
the nature of our civilization.
There is also another form of conflict – an inner
conflict, which has become a milestone for many writers and artists throughout
the history of the humanity. This presupposes a psychological conflict, which usually
occurs within a character or sometimes between two or more characters. Here we
examine the conflict within one personality. We see that if solved it can lead
to apparently positive things, but if not, it can bring about some
irretrievable alterations in what they call psychological state of one’s personality,
or even some changes in his/her future fate. So, now let’s try to see what lies
in the nature of any conflict.
As far as we know, any small
conflict evolving into a larger one begins with tiny things, usually arguments between
people or groups of people. Many small conflicts by the way grow into bloody wars
with thousands of victims. People are blinded by their rage or frustration,
which causes them to slay other people in holy wars of interests. What should
be changed in order to avoid these conflicts to happen? It’s very hard to
control a 7-billion population of the world. What I came to while speculating
about the notion is that conflict is an uncontrolled state of the world’s mind,
which is believed to be a great part of human nature. Searching for ways to
elude it seems useless as humanity without conflicts is like a dog without