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Main » 2011 » April » 18 » Money habits of millionairs
Money habits of millionairs
Want to be a millionaire? Don't overspend and use debt wisely. Being rich doesn't mean having a lot of money. It means having wisdom.
"Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend," according to Thomas Stanley and William Danko, the authors of the seminal tome on America's wealthy "The Millionaire Next Door," first published in 1996. Really. Think it over. can you call one rich if the person has no cash?
Recommendations for accumulating wealth:
Live below your means: People with high incomes who spend all that money are not rich; they're just stupid.
Plan: That means plan for today, tomorrow and 30 years after retirement. Always have Plan B.
These are two main recommendation if you want to prosper. If you've got interested in this news, you'll like this article.
Views: 947 | Added by: Asya | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 MissJane  
The only question that comes to my mind when I read suchlike articles is "What for?" Are those people who strive to accumulate millions and billiards planning to take them into the grave? Why not spent the money on something useful? Are they going to eat this money when there's no bread left?

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