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Main » 2011 » April » 20
Julius Caesar and Leonardo Da Vinci slept for two hours a day. Salvador Daley went without sleep altogether when he created his surrealistic masterpieces, while Winston Churchill slept for three hours at night and one hour after lunch. American scientists claim they have found the reason why the eli ... Read more »
Views: 829 | Added by: Tanya | Date: 20.04.2011 | Comments (4)

Murmansk authorities have found an interesting solution of the problem with public transport. The problem was: citizens of Murmansk preferred to take rout-taxis to get to the place of their destination. So, people were unwilling to use public transport. That's why now all the passengers of a trolley ... Read more »
Views: 811 | Added by: Asya | Date: 20.04.2011 | Comments (2)

In May we celebrate two holidays, the 1st and the 9th of May. And every year we have a different number of days-off. This year our government has decided that we don't need so much rest as usual. That's why 2 holidays - 2 days off. They suppose that will be enough.
For example, we study on the 3 ... Read more »
Views: 920 | Added by: Asya | Date: 20.04.2011 | Comments (7)

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