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Main » Files » Faith Matters

Fulfillment - Bible Promises Spoken
20.12.2010, 11:03
Category: Faith Matters | Added by: Luck | Tags: religion, Bible, Faith
Views: 789 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 MissJane  
Definitely, these key-words have not been chosen accidentally. Just look. Almost 100% of all our thoughts are filled with the word 'want'. Isn't it so? "Oh, no...I don't want to get up...I want some sleep badly.."
"What do you want to have for breakfast, my dear?"
"I want him/her to call me as soon as possible. I want to talk.." Just count how many times a day you think of your wants and wishes. Even when you sleep, your brain starts generating when you secretly want. So it is human nature - to want and to satisfy their needs.
It's clear why there are so many pieces in the Scripture that deal with people's desires. In fact, most of our problems and troubles come from our wishes and their wrong fulfillment. Anyone who takes a close look at the Bible will see it is a real practical guide in the world of temptations and endless requests.

1 Rina  
The video consists of several quotations from the Bible which are united by one and the same idea – those who believe in God will never suffer from hunger and thirst, their faith will protect them from all the difficulties and troubles, it will make them peaceful and satisfied. There are some key-words in the video that are repeated to create the strong convincing effect of the utterances – “hunger”, “thirst”, “water”, “food”, “satisfy”. Believe and God will give you everything you really need, devote your life to him and you'll never know hunger and thirst - this is the idea the video is based on.

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