the program seems to me a little bit boring. But it's not a bad method to teach children to learn Geography. But the best method is real ability to go with a child to different counties and from the very childhood. I understand that not everyone has such an ability but still, I believe this is the greatest experience.
If the program really works, then it's a great idea. But does it really work? I think it's very hard to remember all 200 countries in the world. while studying the 20th country, they forget about the first five, I believe.
That's sooo nice, really! And I guess that can be interesting not only for small kids) btw, as far as I understand, Fereydoun Kian teaches Geography using not only maps and these fascinating pictures, but a great number of other means - tales, songs, dances and etc. That's the way Global education manifests itself)))
This is a great method of teaching Geography to small kids! Actually it's very hard to make small learners be interested in your subject. But I am sure looking at all these pics they will be ready to study for a really long time since it's very entertaining and I do believe every parent wants his/her kids to study at this school!