In the 21st century our life becomes faster and faster so people don't have enough time to find their love. Our elders always say that at first we should graduate, after that we have to find a good job and just in this case we can meet our destiny. This plan is a kind of paradise for most people. If a person is harmonic, emotionally stable, he can get time for every branch of his life: private and professional. But many people, especially western, choose quick ways such as speed dating. In 1 hour they can meet 20 persons. Do you think that's normal, natural? Can you compare tasty lasagna and pizza, any Italian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Georgian, Armenian food with fast food? I guess, No. Yes, you can understand if he is Mr. Right during 30 seconds, but in your real life. If you meet 20 persons you can't even remember all of them. So, my choice is natural life with casual acquaintances, random smiles. From my point of view this is more interesting)