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Main » News around the world (by Luck)

Do you know who Aleksandr Orlov is? Do you know this nice meercat? If you watched today's news on TV, then you know him))) actually, I almost fell in love with this charming meerkat))
Actually, Aleksandr Orlov is one of the most popular... eh... person (?) in Britain. That's what Wikipedia writes about him: “Aleksandr Orlov is a fictional CGI anthropomor ... Read more »

Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1022 | Added by: Rina | Date: 10.11.2010 | Comments (2)

Unemployment will always be a splinter in our society. According to Labour Code, an employer must notice an employee about a discharge from office at least 2 months before it. But an employee, if he wants to leave the post, should notice the director about it two weeks before leaving! Is it fair? Is it possible for an employer to find a good substitute for the previous employee? You can say, "It is possible to find a substitute for everyone and everything. And it’s just the same in case with tha ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1080 | Added by: Luck | Date: 19.10.2010 | Comments (2)

      Computers and the Internet are becoming an essential part ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1054 | Added by: Luck | Date: 29.05.2010 | Comments (7)

"Hi. I was abandoned. I live with my grandparents. They are ok I guess. My grandma says my mother had a pretty good reason to leave. She said she was a single mother, without a husband, and that she couldn`t stand what other people think of her. I don`t consider it to be a good reason for leaving your child. However, different people have different thoughts. When I grow up and have a child of my own, I will never abandon him/her ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1188 | Added by: Luck | Date: 24.05.2010 | Comments (7)

     Alcohol is the drug of choice among youth. Many young people are experiencing the consequences of drinking too much, at too early an age. As a result, underage drinking is a leading public health problem in the whole world. 

... Read more »

Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1279 | Added by: Luck | Date: 21.05.2010 | Comments (10)

Normal-weight women who want to prevent weight gain as they age need to do an hour a day of moderate-intensity physical activity such as brisk walking.
Over the years, some experts have suggested it takes that much to control weight, but this is one of the first large-scale studies to examine the question.
It's possible to get the health benefits of physical activity, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, some types of cancers and type 2 diabetes, by following the government ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 936 | Added by: Luck | Date: 28.03.2010 | Comments (3)

Today I would like to tell you about one of the most fantastic events that takes place in France, to be more concrete, in the capital of France, in Paris.

Ruth Flowers is one of the more unusual sights you can see in Paris's youthful club scene.
The 69 year-old grandmother is rocking the most prestigious dancefloors in Paris and Cannes with her mix of techno and old-school hits.

This is just something amazing to look at this lady, who really feels very nice and maybe can “leave in ... Read more »

Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 913 | Added by: Luck | Date: 06.03.2010 | Comments (0)

      All of us know that more than a week ago The Olympic Games were started. And unfortunately Russia hasn’t still distinguished itself too much. But now I would like to talk about The Paralympic Games.

      I know that it’s quite a banal theme, but I accidentally found one podcast in the Internet: one girl, who is a volunteer (at least she tries to do her b ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1079 | Added by: Luck | Date: 22.02.2010 | Comments (2)

Russians can go nutty when it comes to dogs. Consider the incident a few years ago that involved Yulia Romanova, a 22-year-old model. On a winter evening, Romanova was returning with her beloved Staffordshire terrier from a visit to a designer who specialises in kitting out canine Muscovites in the latest fashions. The terrier was sporting a new green camouflage jacket as he walked with his owner through the crowded Mendeleyevskaya metro station. There they encountered Malch ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1037 | Added by: Luck | Date: 27.01.2010 | Comments (3)

More than a week has already passed after a terrible earthquake in Haiti. Every building was destroyed. The locals still wait for help, because it’s clear for everybody that such a poor country can’t cope with this problem and “build” new cities by itself. That’s why so many people from all over the world try to do everything that is possible.

Life for the residents has improved a bit since Sunday, when some volunteers brought beds so the elderly didn't have to sleep on the ground with rats ... Read more »

Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1026 | Added by: Luck | Date: 21.01.2010 | Comments (2)

This year children will have a range of hi-tech options when it comes to following the progress of Santa on Christmas Eve.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) has been tracking Santa for over 50 years.
Children can follow his progress via its website or on Twitter, Facebook or via Google Maps or Google Earth.
It is becoming the hi-tech equivalent of reading The Night Before Christmas to excited children on Christmas Eve.
... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 944 | Added by: Luck | Date: 24.12.2009 | Comments (3)

More than 90 people have died across the Continent, 10 of them in a single day in Poland, where the winter death toll now stands at 79.
Air, rail and road transport has been severely disrupted.
But Eurostar resumed a limited service and flights restarted from Frankfurt airport - Europe's third-biggest - after it was closed overnight.
The disruption has come during the busy Christmas holiday season, affecting many people's travel plans.
Strande ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 962 | Added by: Luck | Date: 22.12.2009 | Comments (2)

One of the main reasons why governments decided two years ago to draw up a new global agreement on climate change was a major report published just before that year's UN climate summit in Bali.
Its top-line conclusions produced a collective and decisive political move in favour of a global agreement bigger and bolder than anything seen before in the environmental field.
This was the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - the disti ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1433 | Added by: Luck | Date: 02.12.2009 | Comments (12)

As you know the most burning issue of the day is Swine Flu. In my article I’ll try to answer the most important questions concerning this disease: what is swine flu? What are the symptoms? And of course how not to contract flu?
What is Swine Influenza or Swine Flu?
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1004 | Added by: Luck | Date: 11.11.2009 | Comments (5)

Daylight saving time (DST; also summer time in British English—see Terminology) is the convention of advancing clocks so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn. Modern DST was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson, a New Zealand entomologist. Many countries have used it since then; details vary by location and change occasionally.
The practice is controv ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1261 | Added by: Luck | Date: 25.10.2009 | Comments (6)

Russian hearts were broken Saturday evening as they lost their showdown match to Germany 1-0 in front of a packed Luzhniki Stadium.
The result ends Russia hopes of winning Group Four in World Cup qualifying and forces them to win a berth in the World Cup via the hotly contested two-legged play off.
From the recent 3-1 victory over Wales, Guus Hiddink welcomed back a fully-fit Yuriy Zhirkov to the line-up and along with the former CSKA Moscow man, he summoned Igor Denisov into the s ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1116 | Added by: Luck | Date: 18.10.2009 | Comments (5)

Aid workers in quake-hit Sumatra say they are increasingly unlikely to find survivors under the rubble, as they push into devastated remote areas.
Four days after the 7.6 tremor, the scale of the disaster is becoming clear, with entire villages destroyed.
Widespread road damage is preventing teams from reaching many of the injured beyond Padang, a city of 900,000 people that took the full force of the quake.
About 1,000 are known to have died; up to 3,000 more are said to be ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1009 | Added by: Luck | Date: 04.10.2009 | Comments (0)

As makers from Tesla to Nissan Motor Co jockey to dominate the next generation electric-powered cars, a fight on which companies will control the lucrative market to fuel them is just getting started.
U.S. President Barack Obama aims to put a million electric vehicles on the road by 2015 as part of the new U.S. effort to cut greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warming.
Cars are cooler than gas pumps or charging stations, but as the history of the oil industry shows, fuel is b ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1300 | Added by: Luck | Date: 23.09.2009 | Comments (5)

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