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Main » Translation Experiments
Убийство сына: материнское милосердие

Тяжело больной француз Винсент Умбер умер от того, что его мать добавила ему в капельницу слишком большую дозу барбитуратов. На это мадам Умбер посла совершенно осознанно.
Три года назад, когда ему было 19, Винсент попал в тяжелую аварию, результатом которой стала полная слепота, онемение и паралич. Этот случай - и борьба его матери за право сына достойно уйти из жизни - вызвала во Франции бурю дебатов о допустимости эвтаназии.
... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1125 | Added by: Rina | Date: 05.01.2012 | Comments (0)


Тяжело больной француз Винсент Умбер умер от того, что его мать добавила ему в капельницу слишком большую дозу барбитуратов. На это мадам Умбер посла совершенно осознанно.
Три года назад, когда ему было 19, Винсент попал в тяжелую аварию, результатом которой стала полная слепота, онемение и паралич. Этот случай - и борьба его матери за право сына достойно уйти из жизни - вызвала во Франции бурю дебатов о допустимости эвтаназии.
В с ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 939 | Added by: Asya | Date: 03.01.2012 | Comments (0)


Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 973 | Added by: Teacher | Date: 29.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Путин обвиняет США в провоцировании протестов
Российский премьер Владимир Путин заявил, что госсекретарь США своими словами о том, что выборы в России были нечестными, «дала сигнал» российским оппозиционерам. По его мнению, большинство граждан «не хотят развития ситуации в России, как в Киргизии или на Украине».
... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 930 | Added by: Teacher | Date: 29.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Путин ищет козла отпущения

... Read more »

Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 963 | Added by: 8davids8 | Date: 29.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Ticking all the boxes

By Munira Mirza
... Read more »

Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 965 | Added by: Teacher | Date: 29.12.2011 | Comments (0)


Тяжело больной француз Винсент Умбер умер от того, что его мать добавила ему в капельницу слишком большую дозу барбитуратов. На это мадам Умбер посла совершенно осознанно.
Три года назад, когда ему было 19, Винсент попал в тяжелую аварию, результатом которой стала полная слепота, онемение и паралич. Этот случай - и борьба его матери за право сына достойно уйти из жизни - вызвала во Франции бурю дебатов о ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1006 | Added by: Luck | Date: 27.12.2011 | Comments (1)

'Tsar Vlad'

"The three reasons are no longer important," said Sergei Markov.
The president, admired by many Russians for his strong leadership, is already sailing towards the 14 March presidential elections with an unassailable lead.
His latest tough-man act is expected to earn further electoral respect.
"He wins time - the new government can now be appointed earlier than if he had done this post-election," Mr Wigertz says. "He shows strength and that he is not ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 890 | Added by: Luck | Date: 26.12.2011 | Comments (1)

Hello, dear netters! This experiment deals with some current political affairs happening in Russia. The source text was written down from the news video posted here. You may provide your own (surelly better) translation variants of this piece of news.

Medvedev Promises Reforms and Warns of Foreign ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 941 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

By Sheila Barter, BBC News Online, 2004

Russian President Vladimir Putin took Russia and the world by surprise by suddenly announcing his entire government had been dismissed.
But the momentum towards the decision had probably been building for months as Mr Putin's allies consolidated their hold on the Kremlin.
Mr Putin's dramatic swipe at his government, less than three weeks before presidential elections, was targeted on ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1033 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)


Forty years after Britain's first race relations act, employers are starting to follow US firms by sending workers on race awareness courses. But instead of smoothing office relations, such lessons could be inflaming tensions that never used to exist.
Jane Elliott is white, short and tough. For more than 20 years, she has run her day-long workshops in racism-awareness training, US-style. Her approach is uncompromising, brusque and authoritative. S ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1014 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Iraq has the third largest proven crude oil reserves in the world and is the least explored of the oil-rich Middle-Eastern countries.
But its oil industry faces serious problems resulting from years of sanctions and underinvestment.
Under optimal conditions, it is estimated that Iraq could produce up to 6m barrels a day - almost double its peak of 3.5m, reached in 1979 before the war with Iran.
Insurgent attacks on pipelines and pump stations have meant oil production rarely ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 996 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

The US announced major combat operations were over in Iraq in May 2003. But there is no sign yet of an end to the violence unleashed in post-Saddam Iraq, despite the transition to an elected civilian government.
No-one knows exactly how many Iraqi civilians have died since the invasion. Unofficial figures range from over 20,000 to almost 100,000. In the same period, almost 1,300 US troops died in combat.
The new security forces, now said to number more than 140,000, face a growing ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1011 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

Wars, sanctions and looting have left Iraq's infrastructure in ruins. After Saddam Hussein was overthrown in 2003, total reconstruction costs were put at $55bn and grants and loans were pledged.
But more than two years on, insecurity is a major obstacle. Reconstruction is still largely stalled in many places.
Problems with electricity and water supply are a daily event for some people. A recent survey found just over half of households had a stable supply of safe drinking water. Ir ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 996 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

The text provided focuses on the main challenges of the oral translation. The possible translation variants given in the brakets in bold may be employed while translating the text into English. Any other alternatives are welcome.

Возможно, в скором времени возобновится почти что детективное расследование (detective investigation / inquiry / inquest). ООН намеревается использовать разведывательные самолеты ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 884 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Вот что говорит сотрудник Лондонского университета Лоренс Фридмэн: "Когда шла подготовка к войне в районе Персидского залива, было совершенно ясно, что одной из ее причин было стремление Ирака завладеть оружием массового поражения. Поэтому после войны, одной из главных целей было лишить Ирак его военного потенциала".
Оливия Баш была одним из военных инспекторов ООН в середине 90-х годов. "Чтобы уничтожить оружие, нужны были самые разные группы: это специалисты по обнаружению химического и ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 975 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

Соединенные Штаты осудили решение Ирана о начале разработки и обогащения урана, который Тегеран планирует использовать в своей ядерной программе.
Представитель американского госдепартамента Ричард Баучер заявил, что у Вашингтона "есть очень серьезные опасения, что Иран использует свою якобы мирную ядерную программу, в том числе строительство реактора в Бушере, как предлог для развития оружейной ядерной программы".
Соединенные Штаты считают Иран страной, спонсирующей терроризм, и пр ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 987 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

Противостояние между Ираном и странами Запада по поводу ядерной программы Тегерана продолжается. Россия между тем заявляет, что выступит против любых попыток передать иранский вопрос на рассмотрение Совета Безопасности ООН.
Как заявил министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров, Россия вместе с тем считает, что Иран все же не должен становиться ядерной державой. Однако он добавил, что никаких свидетельств в пользу того, что Иран нарушил или нарушит в будущем Договор о нераспространении я ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 915 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 25.12.2011 | Comments (1)

Иран от МАГАТЭ не отворачивается
«Никто не должен игнорировать право Ирана на развитие мирной ядерной энергетики», Манучехр Моттаки, глава МИД Ирана.
Иран обещает продолжить сотрудничество с МАГАТЭ. Об этом заявил в Баку министр иностранных дел Ирана Манучехр Моттаки, подчеркнув при этом, что вопрос ядерной программы Ирана должен решатся не в Совбезе ООН, а в МАГАТЭ.
В Баку открывается встреча глав государств, входящих в ОЭС, предваряемая консультациями минис ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 910 | Added by: Rina | Date: 24.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Raising awareness

Since the start of the 1990s there's been a huge rise in the number of consultants, courses, videos and books dedicated to diversity in the workplace in the US. This growth has largely been a defence against escalating numbers of race discrimination cases.
The "diversity business" has also taken off in the UK. According to a recent survey ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1051 | Added by: Luck | Date: 11.12.2011 | Comments (4)

Иран попросил у ООН защиты от агрессии США
09.12.11 10:51
Иран потребовал от ООН оградить его от «актов агрессии со стороны США», написал в письме руководству организации постоянный представитель Ирана при ООН Мохаммад Хазаи.

В ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 936 | Added by: Asya | Date: 09.12.2011 | Comments (1)

Starr first divided risks into two categories: voluntary and involuntary. For the voluntary risks, you subject yourself, as an individual and by your own decision, to a risk. Examples might be hunting, flying your own airplane, or skiing. Involuntary risks, on the other hand, are imposed on you by society without your consent. These could include military service, nuclear ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 910 | Added by: Asya | Date: 07.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Совет ООН по правам человека осудил сирийский режим
По данным Нави Пиллай, за девять месяцев протестов были убиты четыре тысячи человек.
Совет ООН по правам человека на экстренном совещании в Женеве призвал к немедленным действиям для защиты мирного населения Сирии.
Доклад, подготовленный Советом, будет направлен Генеральному Секретарю ООН.
Верховный комиссар ООН Нави Пиллай отметила, что резолюция Совета является самой жесткой по тону за историю возглавляемой ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 938 | Added by: Luck | Date: 06.12.2011 | Comments (1)

The USA condemned Iran’s nuclear plans.

The USA condemned the Iran’s decision to start the development and enrichment of uranium which Tiran plans to use in the nuclear program. But Washington is afraid that Iran will use this peaceful (civic) nuclear program as a pretext for development of arm nuclear program. At the same time the USA considers that Iran is a country which sponsors terrorism. Iran has far-reaching designs for creating nuclear program ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 866 | Added by: Tanya | Date: 05.12.2011 | Comments (0)

Iranian nuclear ambitions.
Iran announced its intentions to broaden its nuclear program. According to Mohhamed Hatami, the country has its own uranic reserves and Iran starts production and processing of nuclear fuel.
What for?
Uranium enrichment has two aims: production of primary uranium fuel for nuclear reactors and production of highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons. Nuclear reactors are already supplied by Russia with nuclear fuel, that’s why there is no need for ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 926 | Added by: Ayayulia | Date: 03.12.2011 | Comments (0)

The USA criticize Iran's nuclear program
The US have accused Iran of uranium enrichment that Teheran is planning to use in its nuclear program. Department of State representative, Richard Baucher said, that Washington has grave misgivings concerning Iran allegedly peaceful nuclear program. He regards the construction of a new reactor as a pretext for Iranian weapon-grades nuclear program. The US consider Iran a terrorism-supporting country and it was ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 810 | Added by: Rina | Date: 03.12.2011 | Comments (0)

The USA Criticized Iran's Plans

The USA criticised Iran's decision to seek uranium enrichment that Tehran is planning to use in its nuclear programme.
The US representative Richard Boucher claimed Iran could be using the so-t-be civic nuclear programme including building the atomic reactor as a pretext for the development of nuclear arms.
The USA consider Iran to be the country sponsoring terrorism. At the same time, the IAEA representative r ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 955 | Added by: Asya | Date: 02.12.2011 | Comments (0)


A few decades ago, Iraq had one of the Middle East's best health systems. By the time Saddam Hussein was ousted, it had all but collapsed under the pressure of sanctions, wars and slashed budgets.

Health spending is now up sharply - from $16m in 2002 to almost $1bn in the 2004 budget. But the challenges in res ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 821 | Added by: Asya | Date: 02.12.2011 | Comments (0)


Wars, sanctions and looting have left Iraq's infrastructure in ruins. After Saddam Hussein wasoverthrown in 2003, total reconstruction costs were put at $55bn and grants and loans were pledged.

But more than two years on, insecurity is a major obstacle. Reconstruction is still largely stalledin many places. ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 874 | Added by: Asya | Date: 02.12.2011 | Comments (0)


Iraq has the third largest proven crude oil reserves in the world and is the least explored of the oil-rich Middle-Eastern countries.
But its oil industry faces serious problems resulting from years of sanctions and underinvestment.
Under optimal conditions, it is estimated that Iraq could produce up to 6m barrels a day - almost double its peak of 3.5m, reached in 1979 before the war with Iran.
Insurgent att ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1022 | Added by: Luck | Date: 28.11.2011 | Comments (1)


Iran is intending to expand its nuclear programme radically. John Large, an independent expert in nuclear technologies, explains the steps being taken by Iran.
What does Iran need a uranium enrichment plant for?
Uranium enrichment may be used to gain only two purposes, either to produce uranium fuel for the nuclear pile, or to produce nuclear arms. There is no need to produce fuel for atomic piles; therefore the only ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 847 | Added by: Asya | Date: 25.11.2011 | Comments (0)

Virtual people are to step offline and reveal themselves in a "real-life" photography exhibition.

The Alter Ego display shows what kind of virtual characters people choose to be in online games and 3D worlds. The exhibition, the first of its kind in the UK, will show how people play with identities in online environments. Millions participate in virtual worlds globally. They have a long net history, but improved technology mea ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 834 | Added by: Asya | Date: 24.11.2011 | Comments (0)


How would people act if they were freed from real life laws and social constraints? A new, interactive computer game offers just such a scenario - with some disturbing results.
Imagine you could move to a city where you could swap yourself for a younger, slimmer version that never ages and never gets tired. In this city you could choose which job to pursue, build your dream home and do all the things you did no ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 893 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 23.11.2011 | Comments (0)

Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 809 | Added by: Luck | Date: 23.11.2011 | Comments (0)

Polysemantic Words:
1) Площадь – area, square.
2) Арсенал – armoury, store.
3) Выброс – emission, cast.
4) Предприятие – enterprise, venture.
5) Близость – closeness, propinquity.
6) Страна – country, land.
7) Отношение – relationship, attitude.
8) Наблюдение – observation, supervision.
9) Инспекция – inspection, inspectorate.
10) Ряд – row, a number of.
11) Ответственность – responsibility, importance.
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 848 | Added by: Luck | Date: 19.11.2011 | Comments (0)


Иран объявил о намерении значительно расширить масштабы своей ядерной программы. По словам президента Мохаммеда Хатами, страна обладает собственными залежами урановой руды и начала добычу и переработку ядерного топлива. Джон Лардж является независимым консультантом по ядерным технологиям. Он объясняет, что означают предпринимаемые Ираном шаги.
Зачем Ирану предприятие по обогащению урана?
Обогащение урана имеет лишь два предназначения: производство ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1025 | Added by: Luck | Date: 19.11.2011 | Comments (1)

Hello to everybody: translators and interpreters, and to all those who are just curious! I’m going to give a piece of explanation on the different meanings of the word “capital”. Hopefully, you will be interested enough to provide your own contextual meanings or some rare collocations!

1. The city where a country or region has its government: In the Federal Republic of Germany, each of its constituent states ha ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1698 | Added by: MissJane | Date: 16.11.2011 | Comments (3)

Hi, everyone! I’ve thought it would be interesting for you to deal with polysemantic words a bit more. But I think that it may be even more entertaining to concentrate on homonyms. The difference is that the meanings of homonyms differ so much that we can hardly remember al of them. Or, being more precise, I'd say that polysemantic words are words that have several meanings logically related to each other. And homonyms are different words having the same plain of expre ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1063 | Added by: Asya | Date: 14.11.2011 | Comments (0)

Hey, everyone! I would like to show you how the word “court” can change its meaning in different contexts. I can give you eight examples so I hope the information will be clear to everybody.

1. A place where trials take place and legal cases are decided.

The will was read aloud in court.
Завещание было зачитано в суде.

2. The people in a court, especially ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1034 | Added by: Luck | Date: 14.11.2011 | Comments (0)

Hi, everyone! The short article below contains a lot of useful vocabulary on business issues. Look through the text, underline the main lexical items, prepare a short glossary of terms, translate the artcile. Do not render it! Translate! If you think you have two or three variants for a lexical item, you ca ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1242 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 06.05.2011 | Comments (4)

Hello everybody!
The article below has been taken from the international website Ite-Uzbekistan. This site is dedicated to different exhibitions in Uzbekistan. Today we are going to speak about furniture exhibition, which passed one month ago. We will try to analize the article, to get the basic information and to make our own conclusions.
First ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1273 | Added by: PhaZa | Date: 12.04.2011 | Comments (3)

Dear Netters! The text below has been borrowed from the BBC News website. Find time to translate any of the numbered sections. Some of you can prepare a glossary of words, terms and cliches. I would jump with joy if we used this blog to practise translation skills and related issues. I am also inviting you ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 976 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 12.04.2011 | Comments (2)

Hi, Everyone! This time I am inviting you to experiement with translation of some business-related issues, events and policies. The text below has been borrowed from the BBC website, so to link to the original source click on the title of the article. When there, of course you can join the discussion below.
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1035 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 04.04.2011 | Comments (0)

Hi, Everyone! I know I have teased your expectations of new posts in this blog, but I am now back with some new ideas for your translation experiments. In this blog, I am taking you to some idiomatic and slang expressions used to talk about the weather. ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1108 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 31.01.2011 | Comments (2)

Hi, Everyone! Let's continue our online workshop in translation experiments. Sure you aren't completely zonked out and will grab a few minutes out of your busy schedule to enjoy the new experiment. The piece below is a funny story of a boss-employee conflict provoked by both sides. Read it a few times, feel the rhythm and the intrigue, the style and the tense funny tone. Render the ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1097 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 06.10.2010 | Comments (1)

Hi, there! I think this post from 'Editor Bob' will also drag you into a good trial area for those who want to get involved with translation secrets and develop a sense of linguocultural intepretation. I am inviting you to discuss translation variants for the underlined colour items and/or pos ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 963 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 25.09.2010 | Comments (4)

Hi, there! I really think it's high time we all got into the realm of translation secrets and saw what it means to translate and interpret. In this first post from 'Editor Bob' I am inviting you to discuss translation variants for the underlined colour items and/or post your full translation variants. The main task is to keep and render the same m ... Read more »
Category: Translation Experiments | Views: 1391 | Added by: Former-Teacher | Date: 11.09.2010 | Comments (11)

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