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Main » 2010 » December » 26 » Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve.
In the centre of Christian philosophy there is a main omnipotent person God. God created the Universe, the Earth. It was his hand that hung the worlds in space and fashioned the flowers of the field. It was He that filled the Earth with beauty and the air with song. It was God who created the first humans. Adam and Eve were the first humans on Earth. They lived in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were innocent, they didn’t know about anger, lust and evil. But they were the first who broke the law and succumbed to temptation. God told Adam that he was free to eat from every tree in the garden, except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But Eve took the fruit to Adam and he ate it knowing he was doing the wrong thing. As a result, they carried punishment, they were driven out of the Garden. God didn’t want to create beings who would worship Him mindlessly. He wanted to endow them with love, understanding of good and evil. When you do good to people and avoid offence, you act as a real Christian. We know that everybody has a choice but we should also  remember about consequences which can ruin everything. But sometimes our mistakes teach us and give an opportunity for growth through challenge and experience. I think this story has an amazing explanatory power and offers clarity concerning our fallen world.
Category: A Man and The Sacred (Group's Blog) | Views: 1211 | Added by: Tanya | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
3 Megastarosta  
The Fall was born in the relationships of Adam and Eve and it happened because of their love. When we love each other we do not think, our mind sleeps. That is why people who fell in love always make stupid mistakes and look foolish.

2 Rina  
"God didn’t want to create beings who would worship Him mindlessly"
Nice idea, really. But, looking at the people around me, I understand that they have never thought about it. Sometimes it's obvious that a lot of them take everything they were told about God and religion for granted, they are reluctant to discuss these things, being stubborn and unwilling to look at it from different points of view. sad

4 MissJane  
I wouldn't say it concerns only the sphere of religion. This is just the type of people. Stagnant and inert. If they were told that sunlight is black, they would think it's unquestionable. Such people are mostly unable to dig for the truth, they are 'non-productive' thinkers.

Another thing that comes to my mind is that the Bible shows us the cases when people turned away from ideality. You know, we need to have a summit within of eyeshot in order to turn our footsteps towards it. And probably it's not so important whether we reach it or not.

1 Ayayulia  
It was the Fall, but in fact it had positive sides. Adam and Eve at last understood that they had done the wrong thing. The Fall so-to-say gave birth to a number of future generations. Adam and Eve overcame difficulties together that might consolidate their unity.

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