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Main » 2013 » February » 11 » Celebrations for love saint
Celebrations for love saint
Celebrations for love saint

Cupid(Амур) has aimed his arrow at unsuspecting(не подозревающий)shoppers in a north Wales town.
Saturday, 25 January is St Dwynwen's Day, named after a 5th Century Welsh princess who fell in love with a man she could not marry.

To keep her memory alive, members of the Welsh Language Initiative took to the streets of Mold to advertise the patron saint of Welsh lovers.
They also encouraged(поощрять) people to send cards to their loved ones.
Carys Gwyn, from the Welsh Language Initiative, said business leaders and residents got behind the scheme.
"The day is probably very well known to Welsh speakers but not to some non Welsh speakers," she said.
Send cards
"We're asking people that if they want to send a card or a letter to their loved ones then they can give us their name and address and they will be delivered personally.
"We should celebrate it because it's one of our own traditions and why not - we're special, we're Welsh and we should promote(содействовать)what we've got to market ourselves," she said.
Local businesses helped promote the romantic day throughout the town.
Caroline Johnson from Mold Book Shop said she was happy to make an effort for St Dwynwen's Day: "We've put in a window display to tell people about the day.
"We do it every year for Valentine's day but this is the first year to promote St Dwynwen's Day."
Dwynwen, one of 24 daughters of King Brychan Brycheiniog, wished that all lovers should find happiness.
Mold resident Nerys Attridge said that she should be remembered.
"Everybody's aware of St Valentine and I encourage that, but I think it's also nice to remember the patron saint of Welsh lovers too," she said.

The legend of Dwynwen tells of a Welsh maiden (девичий ) who fell in love with a prince, Maelon Dafodrill, whointended(Намереваться) to wed(выдавать замуж) her.
Their marriage was not to be and it is claimed(утверждать) that Dwynwen, who had wanted to become a nun turned to God for help.
She dreamt she was administered(управлять) a sweet drink, which immediately saved her from Maelon's attentions.
When the same drink was given to Maelon he was turned into(превраться в) a statue of ice.
Again she prayed, she was given three wishes - the first was that Maelon be unfrozen, the second was that she should never marry, and the third was that God should answer all requests made by her on behalf of lovers.
Dwynwen went on to found a convent(монастырь) on Llanddwyn, off the west coast of Anglesey, where a well named after her became a place of pilgrimage.
Lovers celebrate the day by exchanging cards and gifts.

1. Did you hear about this day before?
2. What do you think about St Dwynwen's Day?
3. Is it necessary to celebrate this holiday?
4. This legend is very interesting, isn’t it?
5. Do you prefer celebrating such holidays?

I never knew about this day!! And I am interested in this article when I saw it. In my opinion, it will be informative for us to learn about it. Many women adore such holidays. So it is good opportunity for them!!!
Category: BBC Reader Here | Views: 988 | Added by: Valerka | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 :)  
I don't thing that SV day is our russian holiday.our day is Peter and Fevronias' day.But I like to get presents for every holiday)

3 ValerieTr  
People! Why do you need a special holiday to do something good and pleasant for persons who you love?!:D If you have closest people in your life, you should tell them what you feel to them as often as you can. Otherwise, it may be so late one day. And you will not change it. At all.
As for story of this holiday. This story is very tragic, I think. I agree with Little_Mu about that this story will be a good fairytale for children before sleeping. Don't you think so? smile

2 Little_Mu  
I think that day of St Valentine is a very good and kind holiday. It's a good chance for people to make presents for their lovers. In my mind, it's cool that some people understand this too and they even revived the old folk legend. The legend of Dwynwen is very beautiful but tragic, it really has mysteriousness. I think that a lot of people who live in this town don't know this legent too. I will be very happy, if I can see the similar holiday one day. I think it's good to know more interesting and exciting legends. Then you can tell them your children before sleeping)

1 Perilova  
It is so interesting article! I did not know about it before, like many others .. I am sure.
People should celebrate this holiday! Why not ? It is a good way to say a few wonderful words to someone. Not only to the guy or girl, you can say it to relatives or friends. smile These days should be more, I think!

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