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Main » 2010 » May » 29 » Cyber terrorism
Cyber terrorism
      Computers and the Internet are becoming an essential part of our daily life. They are being used by individuals and societies to make their life easier. They use them for storing information, processing data, sending and receiving messages, communications, typing, editing, designing, drawing, and almost all aspects of life.
     The most deadly and destructive consequence of this helplessness is the emergence of the concept of "cyber terrorism”. The traditional concepts and methods of terrorism have taken new dimensions, which are more destructive and deadly in nature. In the age of information technology terrorists have acquired an expertise to produce the most deadly combination of weapons and technology, which, if not properly safeguarded in due course of time, will take its own toll. The damage so produced would be almost irreversible and most catastrophic in nature. In short, we are facing the worst form of terrorism popularly known as "Cyber Terrorism".
      Do we know how to stop this process? Computer technologies absorb us more and more, making our lives depend on them, but can we somehow resist it in order to stop this influence of computers on the one hand, and on the other one –continue "cooperating” with them, because in spite of some "problems” we can’t stop using computers, and actually we shouldn’t.
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1105 | Added by: Luck | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 7
7 Former-Teacher  
Banning is a dangerous thing but necessary. I agree. But it can and should be done only in a trully democratic society. In an authoritarian society, banning is simply a reflection of week philosophy rather than a social necessity.

4 Former-Teacher  
I fear that our government will radically limit access to the Internet. I have a hunch that this will be accounted for by the fact that it is a way to fight terrorism. It is easier to ban and kill, than to think and work.

5 lovefootball)  
But it's reasonable to ban some sites just not to give way to viruses.

6 Teacher  
Not some, but a lot of them.

3 Former-Teacher  
You have asked a serious question? You've hit the bull's eye. Cyber terrorism will never be stopped. It will be controlled, prosecuted, attacked but it will exist. Cyber terrorism is based on the use of the Internet. It is a tool. Terrorism has changes its outfit. It has also changed its policy and strategies.

2 Ayayulia  
Every year a great amount of different companies loses their money because of computer attacts. I don't know why, but managers think about computer security only when something already have happened. There are many different standarts concerning data security: ISO, NIST and so on. But it is quite expensive to comply with them. So people prefer to spend their money on consequences rather than on preventing the threat

1 lovefootball)  
Oh, I think this 'war' will be endless. But one thing is very important. A lot of such attacks are made just to cause a scare! So what we really need to do is not to give way to panic.

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