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Main » 2010 » June » 18 » Extremes meet. Is it really so?
Extremes meet. Is it really so?

It is said that extremes meet. But is it really so? Some time ago I realized that this is not true. Imagine a situation that you meet a person, make friends with him and start learning him. He also learns you. It is like reading a new book. Every page of it is like a side of the character. So firstly, it is very interesting for you learn this new friend. You see that he differs much. And this is what attracts you. It is a possibility to see another reality, another point of view, another way of life. But…

Time passes… And there is a moment when you realize that you know much about this person. And he/she knows much about you. Yes, you are absolutely different people, and, unfortunately, you don’t have anything in common. So you are together because you are not the same. But it is really difficult to live, to chat, and to share thoughts with a person who is absolutely different, because you never meet his/her support in this or that question.

Probably, the example is strange, but think about a man and a woman. They love each other and want to live together. They attract each because they are different in their ways of life. So there is a moment when they have to create something (I mean, their relationships) together, but they can’t, because they don’t have common points of coincidence. More than that, it said that love is when two people look unidirectional, but do not look at each other.

My personal opinion is that extremes meet, but very soon push away, because they don’t have points of coincidence.
Category: People's relationships (by Seagull) | Views: 1888 | Added by: Teacher | Tags: LOve | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 31
15 lovefootball)  
Well, the word 'extremes' presupposes radical differences. Why should such people become friends? Of course, they meet but just because we have to contact a lot of peolpe.

17 Teacher  
Isn't it interesting for you learn a new personality, a person who differs? Your relationships in this case are based on interest.

18 lovefootball)  
Actually, it isn't. I like communicating with a person who has a wide range of interests but still I'd rather make friends with someone who understands me.

19 Teacher  
I can understand a person even if I have absolutely different opinion.

21 Former-Teacher  
I don't think you can or will ever be able to understand another person you have absolutely different opinions. To understand means to accept the point of view which doesn't mean you should agree. To understand means to re-live one's life situation as if it were your life. To understand means to share another person's values. Based on that, you have the right to give advice or criticise.

23 lovefootball)  
So we can't understand people with different views at all?

24 Former-Teacher  
Wnat do you mean "at all"? What do you mena by understanding? You can understand one's point of view quite well and quickly. No problem. But when you speak about understanding a person, it is another thing. This is rather personal.

25 lovefootball)  
One should imagine himself in somebody's shoes to understand?

26 Former-Teacher  
Yes, it is often necessary. Changing your view. Trying to be abother one for a moment.

27 lovefootball)  
Agree but how will the boss who is responsible for his workers' deeds cope with it?

28 Teacher  
No matter how, but he must. But in the same time his job is to manage, their job is to conform, and they are paid salary for it.

29 lovefootball)  
Not only the boss, but any leader must. I think to understand means not to do what a person needs and wants but not to hurt his/her pride.

30 Former-Teacher  
doesn't really matter what you call it. If you want to understand a person, learn to listen and be patient.

12 Former-Teacher  
I tend to agree with Lovefootball) more. Relationships is hard work. That's definite. If it is a freind, then things are quite simple. It is just a person with whom you go to school or work. They often remain good friends for many years. When we talk of love (between opposite sexes), things are different. Very different. First of all, it is physical attraction. It may be accompanied by some other qualities such as good manners, nice voice, manner of speech, things said, clothes, and the like - look this is all body language. Whether you agree or disagree, be honest to ask yourself why you think you like this or that person, why you want to be close to this guy or girl, why you want to tocuh these lips or cheeks, the arms and the hair, why you want to look at this person for long and talk for long. Ask yourselves what the driving force is that attracts you. This is not because extremes meet. This is not because you share the same thoughts and opinions. This is because you see your own physical replica in the this other person. And you come to understand that you want to be together - now, tomorrow, for a month, for a year, for the whole life, until somethings drives you apart. But as Lovefootball) says love is hard work.

13 lovefootball)  
But one of the reasons for falling apart may be difference of opinion. In spite of physical attraction.

14 Former-Teacher  
Oftentimes, different opinions do not matter that much as long as there is a strong physical temptation to be near. People tend to tolerate such differences and sometimes pay no attention because there is one MAJOR similarity - physical attraction. Then things change: partners in love want more, they need mental attraction, spiritual attraction, similarity of interests and values, similar expectations, identical responses and reaction... and again similar and easily recognizable body language. Well, the situation changes - extremes or opposites will never meet.

16 Teacher  
And what about an opposite situation? When two people have everything except physical attraction? I mean this is not friendship, but they just don't think of each other's appearance or smth. like that?

20 Former-Teacher  
Do not cheat yourself. You have changed the point. I have been talking about he-she realtionships not abouit colleagues at work or classmates. I nevr think of apperance. The physical image that I adore may nevr coincide with your image of beauty. What I call beautiful may not be the same for you.

22 Teacher  
Probably, I tangle.

7 lovefootball)  
H'm, maybe we want everything to fall to our lap! Relationships require hard work.

8 Teacher  
Yes, they are. And its hard to maintain them, even if you are like your partner. I mean, in case when you are not different.

9 lovefootball)  
Sure. But who knows. There is an exception to every rule. But I can say one thing for sure- it's absolutely useless to change someone so that he/she shares your views.

10 Cherry  
I don`t think it`s useless.... any man can really change for one`s sake... but does he/she want it or not? it is question

11 Teacher  
We change ourselves only if we want it.

4 Cherry  
I`m sure that people can be together because they are different and they want to learn each other, and this difference attract them

5 Teacher  
That's true, but they have to find something in common, otherwise nothing would make them stay together.

6 Cherry  
agree completely

31 Former-Teacher  
I don't quite agree. You get attracted because you see a lot in coommon rather than big differences. Differences drive people apart. They can be together only for a certain aim, e.g. a job or a project. That's it.

3 Teacher  
I have a kind of friend. We have known each other for almost 6 years. We can't stay together at least only chatting more than several days... Then we push away... But nevertheless, from time to time we meet and chat and understand each other, but then push away again.

2 lovefootball)  
I think it's practically impossible. Relationships should be based on understanding but not just interest or attraction. The point is to understand it when it's not too late.

1 Cherry  
It`s such a difficult question for me.... i think i agree witn Seagull... relationships between two absolutely different people can last even for many years, but the time comes and such relationships are over. i suppose they can`t have happy end

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