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Main » 2009 » December » 14 » FanFiction – Hobby, Creativity or Fanaticism?
FanFiction – Hobby, Creativity or Fanaticism?
Do you know what Fanfiction (or just “fanfic”) is? According to Wikipedia, “Fan fiction (alternately referred to as fanfiction, fanfic, FF, or fic) is a broadly-defined term for fan labor regarding stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator”. So, it is a story, based on some popular “book/movie/cartoon/etc”, but written by its fans, using the characters and situations developed in the “book/movie/cartooon” and developing new plots in which to use these characters.

A fanfic can be the continuation, the parallel narrating or the pre-story of the original “book/movie/cartoon/etc”, or, as it is called, the CANON. Some additional characters may be added or the behaviour and habits of original characters may become completely different. Everything depends on the fantasy of fic-writer and his personal attitude towards the canon.
The phenomenon of fanfiction first appeared in 1965.The term "fan fiction" was used to designate original, though amateur, works of science fiction, as differentiated from fiction that was professionally published by professional writers. Since that time the definition of the term has altered. Today, "fan fiction" writers are those who use characters and situations already created by other writers in order to develop their personal and preferred views of the story. Fan fiction has become more popular and widespread since the advent of the World Wide Web. Fic-writers nowadays have an ability discover each other worldwide, form groups, share their fan-written fiction and fan-painted art. Fic-writers, devoted to one canon unite into so-called fandom. The most popular fandoms nowadays are “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Ring” 's fandoms.
The number of fanfics you can find in the net is really innumerable. The are classified according to their relationship to canon, romantic or sexual pairings, genres, sub-genres, types, size... each classification has different terms and abbrevations, so a good fic-reader is able to explain you what the words “slash”, “het”, “gen”, “AU/AT/AR/AH” and so on mean. (if you are interested, follow the link)
As for me, this summer I've tried to read such kind of writing. Well, really, it's a cool way to kill your free time)) And now, being a little bit experienced, I can say that most of the fics you can find in the Inet are just... hmmm... let me say, trash. But even there you can find smth really good and even facsinating. I managed to find a fic by one writer, whose style I really admire. Her stories are even better that a lot of books I've read in my life. Really, this girl has a talent and I just don't understand why she wastes it on writing fanfics... What do you think about it? And what is you attitude to fics and its writers?

Category: Writing about writing (by Rina) | Views: 1224 | Added by: Rina | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
3 Asya  
I don't like to read fanfiction. I think that whatever the author wanted to speak about in his/her book he/she's told us.
And I agree with Rina that most of the fics are "trash".

2 lovefootball)  
Of course, fanfiction helps us exceed the limits of any book but I think it should be more professional and tactful not to hurt real writers' ideas.

1 MissJane  
It seems to me to be quite an amusing phenomenon though I don't find anything extraordinary or fascinating in it. For some people developing and continuing the story is a natural habit of mind (however, not many of them do this in writing form). As for me, I have never even thought of such an activity to perform. I like to read and I've got many works of fiction that I can read every year or so, but it never crossed my mind to rewrite them smile

"Really, this girl has a talent and I just don't understand why she wastes it on writing fanfics..." - Well, I suppose sometimes it's very hard to invent something originally new, and by the way there is a sort of people who are very good at developing the idea known already, I think.

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