One of the main reasons why governments decided two years ago to draw up a new global agreement on climate change was a major report published just before that year's UN climate summit in Bali. Its top-line conclusions produced a collective and decisive political move in favour of a global agreement bigger and bolder than anything seen before in the environmental field. This was the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - the distillation of research into climate past and present, melting ice, atmospheric changes, dates of bird migrations and harvests, projections of future social and economic development, in fact any field that could throw light on how the climate was changing and how it might change over the next century, and what implications that carried for humankind and the natural world. Now, as delegations wend their way to Copenhagen for the summit that was supposed to finalise that new global agreement, one question delegates might be asking is: what have scientists discovered since the AR4 that might influence decisions? "Actually, the state of climate knowledge has been remarkably stable over the last 20 years. Of course it's much more sophisticated, we have numbers when we only had qualifications in broad terms; but overall what we know today was already quite well known 20 years ago."
Yes, it's impossible to stop the climate changes. To my mind I do not believe in the end of the world. But don't you know that the Earth has turned on 15 degrees? And if it turns on 60 and more degrees, the poles will be changed
To tell the truth i like summer much more than winter, but...i can not imagine Russia without winter and snow!!! And I don't believe in the end of the world!!!!
well, i dont think that the end of the world is coming soon, but the climate will change, its no secret fro everybody. But i think it wont be very dangerous. By the way, we wont need to travel in Spain or Turkey, for example, we will have our own beaches and we will open our Russian summer resorts
Global warming... I don't think that it's coming... You know, yes, the climate changes, but I suppose, it's natural. Everything changes in our life. And all these programs, meetings and all kinds of discussions about global warming are just one of those terrible sensations which our government gives us to prevent us thinking about really necessary social and political problems.
Yes, unfortunately it's impossible to stop the climate changes. But it's quite strange to realize that it's winter without snow, isn't it? I think some foreigners would be quite surprised to know about this:) Russian winters must be snowy!
As for me, I'm not agitated at all about all this stuff. Throughout the history of our planet the climate has been changing all the time, and people just had to put up with it and get accustomed with the weather conditions. And by the way, on the level of a single person there is nothing to be done with this issue. We need to alter the whole system of industry, consumption and waste reclamation in order to halt the climate changes.