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Main » 2010 » April » 14 » How to release anger
How to release anger
It is always best for you to release anger completely. Unexpressed anger may put your health at risk, and also stop you from making your best decisions.
In many places, it is suggested that it is improper to show anger. But it is necessary to show anger at times. What you need to do is, make sure that nobody is injured because of the anger you are showing. =)
Anger is a completely natural and normal human emotion, however it is important to learn about and understand about the matter of releasing anger the right way.
This means that just because you are taught or raised to suppress your anger that this is not necessary the way you should go. It is actually healthy to express your anger, only make sure that you do it in the proper way. It is not wrong to express anger, fear, sadness, or rage.
One of the most important things of all to remember is to never hurt others in the process of you releasing your anger. Give yourself the opportunity to express your anger in a safe way, without hurting anyone else in the process. Remember that the truly important factor here is that of your expression of the negative emotion, and not who receives the backlash of the anger itself, after all.

So, the idea is: it's highly advisable to express your anger. But don't hurt anyone, even (or especially) the one who outraged you.

Category: Psychological hints (by Assa) | Views: 1701 | Added by: Asya | Tags: Psychology, Negative Emotions | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 18
13 Former-Teacher  
Well, anger is aggression and a self-defence mechanism. Anger is deep-rooted in us and we must never disregard or ignore it. It helps us to build up the society around ourselves that is our everyday environment. When something in this environment goes another way, it can cause anger. We are angry when we are threatened. As we know threat and fear are basic emotions. But I hate being angry, I tend to suppress it, but it affects my mood.

9 Former-Teacher  
Hey, lovefootball) Don't you think that being angry os OK! Why should a person look for ways how to release or reduce anger? Why not behave naturally? Cry if it hurts! Shout if you want! Attack if you are provoked! Kill if you want to survive!

10 lovefootball)  
Then the chaos will come.

16 Asya  
Are you serious?

17 Former-Teacher  
I believe she Lovefootball) is quite serious about the state of chaos. We all must put certain constraints on ourselves if we want peace and harmony. Anger is AWFUL thought frequent in our life. Be wise and prudent to ger rid of anger.

8 Former-Teacher  
The best way to relase anger is to pray. Because anger is a great sin. We are trying to find ways to splash out anger, but always forgot that our language code can be used quicklu\y and efficiently. I think society has lost any understanding of what a miracle a prayer can work.
On the other hand, anger is in our genetic code - a gene called "an instinct of aggression". If we lose or extract this gene, we will stop being human. Isn't that so?
Imagine, that you are never angry, or never release aggression, or never hurt anybody. Is this life? Common on, be serious and realistic!

11 lovefootball)  
And where is the golden mean then? Of cousre we get angry and no doubt it's a sin. Are we just to accept the turn of things?

15 Asya  
A sin? I'm not quite sure it's right to call emotions a sin.

18 lovefootball)  
Of course,they are not. But anger...Well, it all depends on one's interpretation of this word. I belive it is a sin to some extent. That's why I'm always subdued when I can't deal with it.

4 lovefootball)  
Well, it's rather difficult but maybe sport is one of the best ways really. And what about the people who release their anger by breaking dishes or beating pillows?

5 Asya  
Breaking dishes is expensive, you know. But beating pillows is quite OK. biggrin

6 Rina  
OH! YYYEEEP!!! Beating pillows!!! I'm afraid that one day my dear cosy pillow will drop alive and take vengeance on me for beating it so violently. Really, I do think it's the best way to release your anger - you hurt nobody but you get great satisfaction imagining that your pillow is your "enemy's" face biggrin As for breaking plates... Who will clean the floor after that, I wonder? And.. poor plates... no-no, I adore all my things too much to destroy them))) And for me breaking plates usually associates with hysteric wives yelling and shouting at their drunk husbands... Pitiful sight.

7 lovefootball)  
Maybe after breaking something your anger will turn into self-pity because you'll have to tidy up a room)) Anyway,you won't be angry any more) But of course one should do this only as a last resort. It's much better to eat something sweet.....but not too much)

12 Rina  
Just let me disagree - eating sweets helps overcome depression or stress... It gives one positive emotions (endorphines-endorphines biggrin biggrin biggrin ), it makes one get rid of gloomy thoughts. but to my mind its a useless weapon against anger. I just can't imagine a person who is eating chocolate while burning with a low blue flame)))but, may be, my imagination is too poor...

14 lovefootball)  
You're right)))))) Maybe it'better to eat AFTER releasing anger)

2 Ayayulia  
When I need to release my anger I do it with the help of physical exercises: bicycle, running, or something else. When I am out of gas I have no strength to be angry))

3 Asya  
I also have the same strategy. And it really works))))

1 Teacher  
Well, as for me it's always better not to express my anger, because, there's all the time at least one person who can become my "victim". It's bad. But still I should say that almost all the time I hurt somebody, I feel remorseful.

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