Анна Аxматова МУЖЕСТВО Мы знаем, что ныне лежит на весах И что совершается ныне. Час мужества пробил на наших часах, И мужество нас не покинет.
Не страшно под пулями мертвыми лечь, Не горько остаться без крова, И мы сохраним тебя, русская речь, Великое русское слово.
Свободным и чистым тебя пронесем, И внукам дадим, и от плена спасем Навеки.
23 февраля 1942 год
I like this poem very much. It was written during World War II. I like poem because it says about bravery of our soldiers, their fearlessness for death and trying to save our country at the cost of their life. They did it!!!
Creativity of Anna Akhmatova is different from works of other poets of her time. Her poem is permeated a sense of courage, strength, desire to pass through death to save precious things. These poems are necessary in difficult times...
This poem was in my EGE of Literature I wrote whole essay on the topic of this poem. I like poems of Anna Ahmatova. This poem is very soulful and manly. I don't understend how to combine these traits together.