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Main » 2010 » November » 4 » Personal Freedom: Truth or Falsehood?
Personal Freedom: Truth or Falsehood?

Every person at least once in his/her life thinks, "I need freedom", or "I want to be free", or "I hate all these prohibitions, obligations, boundaries, etc." These questions are connected with personal freedom of every human being. But is it possible to have personal freedom? What is this freedom? And can a person become absolutely free? Let's think of it.

As we all know, absolute freedom is impossible, because it inevitably leads to anarchy. That's why thousands of years ago people invented many laws regulating people's life in the society. But these rules only physical side of life. What about the spiritual sphere? Here we can speak about moral strictures or principles. The things mentioned are connected with Ten Commandments. As far as I see, absolute freedom has no chance in our society.

Well, if there's no absolute freedom, what does it mean to be free? What is personal freedom? Anyone can tell you that this is an ability to choose this or that way of life, this or that thing, to express our attitude or opinion/point of view. But we remember that freedom is permanently limited. So is this just an illusion? May be. The fact is that we are free to choose, but the choice is always finite.

One more thing I'd like to mention. The strictest frames and boundaries in our life is those we have created ourselves. I mean, that we are shouting about the lack of freedom, but there are dozens of prohibitions and obligations that exist only in our mind. Probably, freedom is a possibility to choose what boundaries and frames a person wants to have.

Category: Freelance Blog (by group A) | Views: 1178 | Added by: Teacher | Tags: Psychology, choice | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 Sarah  
Of course people have their own freedom.It doesn't have clear boundaries.I think the freedom is a state of human when he has a lot of free time and can order to it as he wants. Of sure in daily routine we can't refuse everything.But freedom is a condition of our soul.

3 marina  
Sorry for Russian. I don't want to think about it in English.

Administrator: Discussions only in English.

1 Ayayulia  
Even 2 persons who live under one roof can’t be free. When one person want to listen to the music on computer or just take a shower he/she may break the freedom of the second person of using computer and visiting bathroom. Sorry, the examples are silly, but obvious. By the way, are there such people who really want to possess absolute freedom? I think yes, but not many. If you do everything you want, you are doomed to loneliness.

2 Teacher  
I should say that if you do everything you want, you'll get into great troubles.

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