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Main » 2010 » November » 23 » Religion: Does It Make Us Stronger?
Religion: Does It Make Us Stronger?
Life has to be secure before it can be improved. But what could help people to secure it centuries ago? Only believing in something, having a hope for the best could make mankind start improving their life conditions. Strong faith motivated humans to explore the Universe and explain some things. Those ones that were beyond their imagination were regarded as religious or supernatural phenomena. But can it be explained somehow what humans needed religion for? Moreover, were there any reasons for believing in the Supernatural? We always have a hope for survival and reproduction. First of all, we believe in our own abilities and our huge, in fact sometimes uncontrolled, desire to explore our world and prove that there is something supernatural in it. Maybe that is why we try to explain some strange things that happen in our world and connect them with the unreal side of our life. 

But nevertheless, many centuries ago people did not know what God was like. That is why they endowed different objects with some superpower and thought that they could help them to solve some family problems, to win wars, to have a good hunt. They strongly believed that those amulets could protect them from evil spirits and turn away the evil eye. Time passed but the "supernatural habits” have not changed at all. We still wear a small crucifix on a chain; we still look for some help from the outside world. We all have a strong faith in something: in God, in good, in ourselves... And maybe this faith is something that makes us keep on living, being happy, helping others and just believing that life is not as bad as it sometimes seems to be. 

Follow this link if you want to learn more about some general religious facts:

Category: A Man and The Sacred (Group's Blog) | Views: 1186 | Added by: Luck | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 6
5 Fr_Arsenios  
The faith of ancient people was not reasonable. Their attitude to the spiritual world was magical. They thought that by manipulating phisical objects or by doing phisical actions they could prevoke reaction in the spiritual world - anger or mercy of gods. These actions were done mechanically. People didn't understand how it worked. I can't speak about the whole mankind today but christians know and understand their religion. They understand why they perform different religios actions. For example, christians wear a small crucifix because they remember very well what Christ did for them. I mean His crucifying, death on the Cross and resurection. So crucifix protects us from evil only if we believe in Christ. I admit that many ignorrent people wear a crucifix as an amulet. I think that religion makes us stronger if it is based on reason.

3 alex_makh  
We still wear a small crucifix on a chain;

I think that only those who believe in Jesus Christ may wear these, so to say, coulomb. I do not understand people who believe, for example, in Fate, or in themselves, or in SOMETHING and still wear small crucifixes on their necks. When I ask them "Why?", they usually answer something like that, "I dunno, maybe a kind of habit..." I think that it should offend true Christians - a person who doesn't know why he wears their sacred symbol..
See the Grammar Link at

4 Teacher  
Actually, as for me it doesn't matter whether a person wears a crucifix or not. The fact is that faith is a very private thing, so-to-say. It means that a crucifix or some other symbols of faith are just symbols, but not real faith as it is. We believe in our heart, but faith doesn't exist in the symbols of religion.

2 Tanya  
Everyone should believe in something. People should have faith and hope. i think it is a usual human need. First of all, faith gives us assurance and, in its turn, this thing makes us stronger

1 Asya  
I like your idea about faith. I do believe that one can lead a normal life until he loses hope and has no faith. When you don't believe in anything and in nobody you have nothing to support and to be supported by. I strongly believe that our faith (no matter in what) makes us stronger and leads us through the calamities of life.

6 Fr_Arsenios  
Is it real that it is not important what faith we have? But is it good for me or for other people if my faith makes me destroy my life or kill enemies of my beliefs or humiliate one's personality or spiritual feelings? What if I go and blow up the railway station for the good of people? I believe in it. What do you believe in?

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