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Main » 2009 » October » 3 » Suicidal Thoughts
Suicidal Thoughts
This article is based on the webpage

Suicide is a tragic and potentially preventable public health problem.
Suicidal behavior is complex. Some risk factors vary with age, gender and ethnic group and may even change over time. For example, suicide was the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds, and the second leading cause of death for 25-34 year olds. However, the risk factors for suicide frequently occur in combination. Research has shown that more than 90 percent of people who kill themselves have depression or another mental disorder.
The alarming numbers of suicide deaths and attempts emphasize the need for carefully designed prevention efforts. Different life events in combination with other risk factors such as depression may lead to suicide. However, suicide and suicidal behavior are not normal responses to stress. Many people have one or more risk factors and are not suicidal. Other risk factors include: prior suicide attempt; family history of mental disorder; family history of suicide; family violence, including physical or sexual abuse; and exposure to the suicidal behavior of others, including family members, friends, or even in the media.

I'd like you to answer the following questions:
1. Have your ever thought of commiting a suicide? If yes, what helped you to overcome it?
2. What do you think of suiciders? Can you justify their behavior?
3. Do you agree that the media can impose suicidal behaviour on us?

Category: Psychological hints (by Assa) | Views: 1040 | Added by: Asya | Tags: Suicide | Rating: 4.0/1
Total comments: 12
12 Teacher  
1. Have your ever thought of commiting a suicide? If yes, what helped you to overcome it?
2. What do you think of suiciders? Can you justify their behavior?
3. Do you agree that the media can impose suicidal behaviour on us?

1. I thought about it twice or thrice in my life, but, you know, it was just for fun. To overcome... Hm... For me this word is too pompous. But still, the only thing that helps me not to do stupid things such as committing suicide is a simple question "What for?"

2. They're either morally strong or mentally ill people. I can justify all of them, but all of them are very silly finally, because they lose everything they have or could have.

3. Everything in our life can make us to commit suicide, so Mass Media is just one of the long row of such thing.

6 alex_makh  
1. Have your ever thought of commiting a suicide? If yes, what helped you to overcome it?
It was 'bout 3 or 4 times i thought 'bot that)))) 1 time was critical - it's a miracle i'm alive at the moment) now i understand that it's quite silly to commit a suicide - life is movie(or a game) and it's unreasonable not to watch the movie up to the end))
2. What do you think of suiciders? Can you justify their behavior?
actually i don't think 'bout suiciders. i have lots of buisinesses to think over besides those who doesn't want to watch the movie)))
3. Do you agree that the media can impose suicidal behaviour on us?
maybe, why not...

8 Asya  
"life is movie(or a game) and it's unreasonable not to watch the movie up to the end)) "

11 Teacher  
Alex is right, because it's one the most objective ways not to commit suicide.

5 Rina  
oh, such a serious theme... but I'll try to answer your questions honestly...
1) really, I have... you know when you are fed up with smth (or smbody) the thoughts in your head drive you insane and the only one thing to say is: "Damn it all! ****ing life!!! Wanna get rid of it!!!!"... BUT then... The thought changes and turns out to be: "You! Stupid coward! Getting rid of smth is too easy for you!!! Manage to cope with it!!!" The undestanding that you MUST do your best and you ARE NOT ALLOWED to give in...Yep, it really helps)))
2)You know, I usually avoid condemning smb's actions. If a person commits suicide... I can't blame... and can't justify either. It's his//her choice and responsibility for his//her relatives and friend's grief created by the suicide. I just regard suiciders as weak people who couldn't find some strength to live. Poor ones.
3)No, I don't think so. If one has a good head upon one's shoulders, nothing will impose suicidal behaviour (and smth else) on his//her.

7 Asya  
I like your reply very much mainly because I agree with the ideas you've expressed.
"I just regard suiciders as weak people who couldn't find some strength to live." Maybe, it sounds hard but I think that suiciders just don't have enough strengh and will-power to live. And they are rather egoistic as they commit suicides despite the fact it will cause their parents' and friends' grief and they will even always accuse themselves of having not helped and stopped the suicider.

4 MyLady  
To my mind every person feels desperation in some period of his life, when he sees no way out of the problem important to him.
Every act of suicide should be considered individually, as there is a variety of reasons why people do it. Some of them are really serious and some may be absurd. I would like to add that the majority of suicides happen in a so-called heated moment, which is called affect. In such a state a person cant think dispassionately and objectively see the problem. So he does harm to himself to prove other people that they were wrong.
As for me, I was in a similar situation when I almost decided to part with my life. Some problems not only seem to be unmanageable, but they ARE unmanageable. For example, when somebody very dear to you is dying on your hands and you can do absolutely nothing. You dont live, you just exist, and the only thing you want - to die with him and not suffer any longer, not to see all the horror that happens in this big wicked world. sad At such a moment everything depends upon the person, on his choise: whether he will die, unwilling to part with his friend, or whether he will live for the sake of the memory.

10 Teacher  
I lost close people in my life. You know, I've never thought about committing suicide. I always chose Life. You know, why? Not because of their memory, but because of the fact that it's too stupid to kill yourself. Every problem in your life you can settle. In every difficult situations there are at least 2 ways out, and death is not one of them. If you kill yourself you could change nothing!

2 BlackCat  
1) I believe most people have experienced this state at least once in the whole life. Another question consists in the fact that not all of us are eager to admit it. I suffered from such thoughts when I was a teenager, perhaps fo the reason youth always brings feelings of hopelessness & inevitability sad . But then you start thinking of some ways out and another feeling comes...a feeling that you still have a choice even if it's not so easy to use it.
2)there are a lot of troubles that make people commit suicides. Sometimes the motives are really of great significance. But in some cases they seem to be even ridiculous, if I can apply this word to the matter. Some scholars say the number of men who find themselves in such situation is rather higher than that of women. On the other hand women become suiciders for foolish resons. In any case, this may happen not only with mentally sick people but also with those in a highly depressing state.
3) You know, it's not an easy task to say whether mass media may or may not impose such behavour. For a suicider a tiny detail can become the last straw.
P.S. To my mind, the matter of great importance here is to notice in proper time if someone close to you is on the verge of killing oneself. cry

3 Asya  
"For a suicider a tiny detail can become the last straw."
I think that people who are going to commit a suicide have enough reasons for that. (Enough for them to find their life unbearable). They're just looking for some ground, cause. That's why "for a suicider a tiny detail can become the last straw".
But sometimes even one emotional shock is enough...

9 Teacher  
P.S. To my mind, the matter of great importance here is to notice in proper time if someone close to you is on the verge of killing oneself.
If a person wants to kill himself, he goes and do it. You know, all friends and relatives of those who's committed suicide always sits and thinks "Ha, yep, this or that fact could tell us about his behaviour and mood. Oh, yes, we could prevent it, but..." But it's absolutely impossible to understand whether a person wants to commit a suicide or not.

1 8davids8  
1) Yes, autumn depression often makes me think about suicide. Only one thing helps me overcome it - i won't name it, but i think everyine can guess what it is. But i think my subconciousness uses depression to justify my addiction to this thing. ()
2) Suiciders (i mean those who have already commited suicides, not potential ones) are actually mentally ill. Why do you always speak about sick people??))
3) Only if your psychy is vulnerable and is exposed to some inner influence. IRL there are many such people. So, yes, mass media may impose suicidal behavior.

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