My dear group-mate Assa has already written about the theme of suicide, but I want to tell you some other things about this theme. Probably, some of them have something in common with the facts from Assa's blog. So, as it's written in the title, the following facts about suicide are connected only with my personal opinion, thoughts and experience. Fact 1: there are no real, objective or worthwhile reasons for committing suicide. A human being can find a way from any difficult situation in his/her life. Fact 2: if a person wants to commit a suicide he/she just goes and kills him/herself without telling anybody about what he/she is going to do. But if a person shouts at every step that he/she wants to kill him/herself it means that this person is a clown and just wants us to pay attention to him. He/she is a ratchet jaw and nothing more. Fact 3: there are only two types of people who can commit suicide. They are either morally strong people, or mentally abnormal ones. Do you know why? People of the first type are too morally strong enough to cross the boundary between Life and Death. But! Fortunately, such people are sensible enough not to kill themselves and morally strong enough to cope with all problems in their lives. And speaking about insane people, I must admit that their libido is abated, so there's no difficulty for them to cross the boundary I've already mentioned. Fact 4: suicide is one of the most stupid and mistaken actions a human being can do in his/her life. And the last thing... Not a fact, but just my attitude to our world. Life is the most valuable thing in our world. We do not give us our lives ourselves, so we don't have any rights to reject our Life.