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Main » 2010 » May » 31 » The wind of changes...
The wind of changes...

Our life is like a river. Nobody can enter the same river twice. Everything changes. Is it good or bad?

On the one hand, it is good, because every person needs something new from time to time to avoid the boredom of life. On the other hand, being a conservative is rather good, because it is easier to deal with the things and people you have known very well for long time.

Sometimes we have to change something because of some reasons. These changes are very difficult for us. But it is natural. We get used to some things, some people, and some phenomena of our life. And sometimes we have to get rid of them, but it can be very hurting for us.

Don't get used to what you have in life. You can lose it at any moment. So what's the use of it? Just swim in the river called "Life” and don't be afraid of the wind of changes.

Category: Freelance Blog (by group A) | Views: 1126 | Added by: Teacher | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 32
31 Darya  
Why does one have to change something in life, if it is good? I think that usually a person wants to change his or her life, when something bad happens! We all must learn by our own mistakes. So we need to take changes peacefully. There is always a way out! smile

32 Former-Teacher  
I often think so, too. When changes are about to happen or you want to change something, it is because you've reached a new phase of life. E.g. going to university, moving to another place, getting married, getting a new job, having children. There is always something we should not change - life principles based on love, kindness, friendship, mutual undrestanding, help, trust, and the like.

30 Sarah  
It's natural.Everything should change.we can not stand on one place, every day there is something new, completely not similar that was yesterday.

29 Teacher  
lovefootball), they just want to see themselves. That's the problem I think. Because our children not we ourselves. And they have their life and their views on it.

11 lovefootball)  
Oh, I think I mix up forced changes with desired ones.
Seagull, I agree with you, but such changes may improve us if they are well-considered.
Teacher, now I see, but should we change ourselves if someone else wants it?

12 Former-Teacher  
Changes always occur with the run of time. People change because they get more experienced, knowledgable, observant. Changes are necessary and quite logical and sensible. You change your view on life because your life domain grows and starts to inlude things that were not there before. When you fall in love, you change your behaviour for the sake of your love - this is a natural change, a positive one. This is one example of how we get adapted to new circumstances and expectations. I know that in two years your will change. When you get married and have a child, you will change. When you start living in your own home, you will change. But your real natural core will always travel with you through time.

13 lovefootball)  
And what if in some years we realize that we've changed so much that it's hard to recognize us? Is it normal? I mean some changes are very slight and gradual, so we don't control them.

14 Teacher  
I think it depends on how you've changed, in what way. If the changes are good, why not? It's normal. Because now you behave not like a little baby.

15 lovefootball)  
Agree, they come with experience.

17 Former-Teacher  
I envy little babies that can behave naturally without any fear. Because a baby's natural reaction to the environment is through smiling, stretching out the arms, tasting everything and drawing everything into the mouth to lick, to taste, to chew. Because the child is born happy.

18 Teacher  
But don't you think that without fear it's dangerous to live? I mean sometimes fear makes us avoid something dangerous and harmful.

19 Former-Teacher  
Yes, of course. A sense of fear is an inherent quality. It is part of our personal defence system.

20 lovefootball)  
But they say that a baby is somewhere inside us. Isn't that true?

21 Teacher  
It depends on you. From time to time it shows itself.

22 lovefootball)  
By the way, is it OK? I mean how does it show itself?

23 Teacher  
In some of your actions. For example, when a lady starts jumping and screaming when she sees a puppy. Or when a person wants something useless. And he/she knows there is no need in this or that thing, but he/she wants to get it because of his/her obstinacy.

24 lovefootball)  
I see. Or when parents want their child to achieve everything they havent't managed to achieve.

25 Teacher  
No, this is not a sign of childhood. These are our failures we want to improve in our children.

26 lovefootball)  
But this wish derives from childhood and dissatisfaction.

27 Teacher  
Yes, it does. But we must control this wish, while bringing-up our children, because we can easily hurt them and distort their lives.

28 lovefootball)  
We must,but it's not so easy.Of course, I can't say for sure but I think parents see a picture of themselves in their children. Or they just want to see.

16 Former-Teacher  
Hypothetical! You will be recognizable! For dramatic changes to happen, dramatic events are to take place in your life: events that make you another person. It means that you wish it as a way out of your previous self into a new one because the first one has been rejected, killed, humiliated, discarded, ignored. On the other hand, it may not happen.

8 lovefootball)  
Changes sometimes are so radical that they make us destroy all our principles.

9 Former-Teacher  
Wrong. Never do it. Changes always mean changing for the sake of goodness and harmony and peace. Changes should never lead to destruction. You are lying to yourself. Radical changes mean that they reshape your principles and strategies but they never destroy you. If they do, these are negative changes. Avoid them.

10 Teacher  
Sometimes we radically change ourselves to destroy our principles, our view on life.

7 Former-Teacher  
Changes are often bad. Trust traditions and previous experience. Be more observant and careful. If you want a change, ask yourself why.

5 lovefootball)  
I think there is a difference. I agree that any change has its own purpose but it doesn't mean all changes are for the better! Some of them happen to punish us, for example.

6 Teacher  
You're right. Sometimes something changes to make us understand that we are keeping a wrong track.

4 Rina  
When every day is like the previous one, everything becomes depressing. Without changes our life would be dull and aimless. And if you have certain attitude to changes in your life, you won't be afraid of them. First of all one should remember that any change is good. May be it's a kind of fatalism but I do believe that everything that's happening has its own purpose. It's not so important whether we understand it or not. Try to regard any change as an evolution, development. Then, you'll never be afraid of the wind of changes.

3 lovefootball)  
Well, I'm very conservative and it's too difficult to me to change anything. Actually, I like this way of life, it's rather comfortable. When I really HAVE to change something, it worries me for some time but then I just get used to new conditions. (Of course, it doesn't happen all the time but rather often)

1 Asya  
Don't get used to what you have in life. You can lose it at any moment. Sounds interesting and philosophic. But I can't agree with you. If I agreed, I would have to admit that I cant' "get used" to my parents even. Should I live the whole life being afraid to lose my nearest people? It would be impossible for me! How could I enjoy life if I thought about such things?!

2 lovefootball)  
I think the point is "don't get bored, enjoy your life!" It doesn't mean you should be afraid all the time.

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