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Main » 2010 » April » 26 » “White Dragonfly of Love” live at DK
“White Dragonfly of Love” live at DK

On Saturday, the 17-th, quite an unusual gig was held at Dom Kulturi Club. Nikolay Voronov, "the ru-net trash-star”, "an eccentric composer”, and the author of the immortal hit "White Dragonfly of Love” praised us by his attendance. The tickets cost 250-300 rubles, but there was a full-house in the  club. Most people came there just for fun, but there were also true fans of Kolya’s "talent”. As for me I decided not to spend money on such trash, but now, looking through the comments upon the performance,  I understand that it might be quite an interesting and unusual experience.  Some people, even Vadim Kasse, the DK’s art-director writes that "the gig made them look at Voronov’s creativity from another angle”. People also seriously write that Voronov is really a genius composer and musician while his strange and absurd image is just a prank and a sophisticated PR. 

Frankly speaking, I actually don’t understand and accept that tradition to love and praise everything strange, ridiculous and odd in the world of music, instead of quoting really good and professional things but, on the other hand, music is a debatable phenomenon which can’t be judged from such a serious point of view. 

Category: EBM (Everything 'bout Music by Alex) | Views: 1026 | Added by: alex_makh | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
3 Ayayulia  
I didn't visit the performance and I am not sorry for it. Now composers, performers, musicians replace each other with such a speed that I don't have time to memorize their names, faces, styles. Unfortunately, there is not anything deep and interesting within them. They appear, amaze, earn some money and disappear. May be it is bound to happen...

2 alex_makh  
Oh plese don't get me wrong! Saying "trash" I don't mean "garbage", I mean "something a bit crazy and debatable".. if u're really intersted in the theme i've mentioned - just go to youtube and have a look at Voronov's videos) BTW I also said that " music is a debatable phenomenon which can’t be judged from such a serious point of view", so you cannot blame me for being so rude and cynical to different formations. I just want to understand why do people pack such concerts and practically do not pack concerts of well-played music!

1 Former-Teacher  
I have never been to any of his performances, have never heard any piece, but I think that if there is an audience that likes hiw works, then there is sense in what he does. I don't agree with you about the point "tradition to love and praise everything strange...". I think this is a STRANGE opinion. It's definitely not the music for you if it makes you indiffernet or even too opposed to it. There is a lot of professionally made and played music, but there are a lot of people who never listen to it becasue they do not hear their rhythms, their tempo, their melodies, their arrangements, their musical voices...Nikolaya plays the music that makes him HIMSELF and he is just sharing with his listeners his best musical explorations and discoveries. If we follow your position, then any music is TRASH!

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