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Main » 2013 » May » 20 » Yoga provides a natural cure for bad breath
Yoga provides a natural cure for bad breath
It is not vain to want cleaner, fresher breath. Surely, most of us desire a minty mouth every morning without much effort. In our quick-fix world, the natural method is often perceived as a time-consuming ritual of diet, exercise and discipline. Who wants to do all of that just for fresh breath? Isn't there anything easier?
In fact, there is, but consider the consequence:
In a study analysing the reports of the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), it was found that a 15-kg child who ingests 212 mL (7.2 oz.) of a brand name, widely available mouthwash can have a potentially lethal reaction to the ethanol content (the mouthwash in question was 27% ethanol). What's perhaps more alarming is another finding that: "Approximately one-tenth that amount of ethanol can produce a toxic reaction."
The study offers this as part of the solution: "The American Dental Association (ADA) should re-evaluate its acceptance criteria for advertising cosmetic mouthrinses in its publication." Evidently, chemical dependency is big business.
Yoga offers specific breathing techniques, most commonly known as 'pranayama,' in order to aid in the complete balance of the entire system. On the way to that goal, the ancient sages observed that it had a potent influence over the respiratory and digestive organs. One of the many benefits through mastery of breath control was a sweeter-smelling exhalation.
There are countless pranayama techniques. However, one of the most approachable is a technique called "kapalbhati." Different schools teach the method in various ways, but the common thread of the practice is the emphasis on the exhalation. First, take a comfortable seat and allow the belly to relax and extend. Then begin to rhythmically contract the belly (the sensation is akin to someone punching the stomach at regular intervals and forcing the air out of the nose). Keep a steady rhythm, with the eyes closed, and complete up to 100 rounds (50 for beginners). Worry not about the inhales, as they happen automatically with the pumping action of the tummy.
Benefits to the respiratory system: Useful in alleviating the symptoms of common cold, cough, rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, deviated nasal septum and emphysema.
Additional influence over the digestive system includes an improvement in the function of digestion absorption and peristaltic movement. Kapalbhati is an excellent remedy for those suffering from indigestion, gastritis, hyperacidity and constipation, which can all cause bad breath.
Though the physical benefits are already numerous, a regular practice of kapalbhati, preferably under the attentive eyes of a good teacher, has endless benefits for the mind as well. Most of us will see drastic improvement to the way our breath smells almost immediately and naturally, without the use of synthetic chemicals.

Learn more:

The article is not only about yoga and its benefits to health in general, but also about the problem of fresh breath and benefits of yoga in this case. I'm interested in this article and even surprised. I hope it will also be interesting and perhaps useful to you.

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lethal- смертельный
approximately- приблизительно
digestive - пищеварительный
exhalation - выдох
belly - живот
akin - сродни
tummy - животик
rhinitis- ринит
pharyngitis- фарингит
absorption - поглощение
remedy - средство
indigestion - расстройство желудка
hyperacidity - повышенная кислотность
constipation- запор
Category: BBC Reader Here | Views: 1082 | Added by: FoxyT | Rating: 0.0/0
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