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Main » 2010 » October » 19 » How to Skip Work...
How to Skip Work...
Unemployment will always be a splinter in our society. According to Labour Code, an employer must notice an employee about a discharge from office at least 2 months before it. But an employee, if he wants to leave the post, should notice the director about it two weeks before leaving! Is it fair? Is it possible for an employer to find a good substitute for the previous employee? You can say, "It is possible to find a substitute for everyone and everything. And it’s just the same in case with that careless worker.” But don’t you think that probably the company can bear losses? Well, ok, that was about workers. But there is one more interesting case when poor EMPLOYEES don’t know how to get rid of a nuisance worker. For example, imagine such a situation: the boss comes into your office and says that he doesn’t need you anymore, that he has to cut down the number of the staff, that he can’t pay wages anymore or whatever… What would your reaction be? Probably you would try to clarify the situation; you would try to learn why it’s YOU who must be fired, but not your colleague at the next desk… Maybe you would start threatening the boss with your "going to the court”, or you would "strike” him with your great knowledge of the laws and your rights… But no, these methods are out of use now. So, what do some workers do to reserve the post? Actually the answer is quite simple. After having known that he is going to be fired, the employee just goes to hospital, takes a sick-leave certificate and after it stays at home for weeks and sometimes even for months, and the company has to pay him for all this time, because legally nobody can fire the employee during the time while he is ill, but the problem is that nobody knows how long he will be ill! And what does this poor employer have to do? Actually nothing… He just has to wait and pay a "deserved” salary.

I must say that I don’t know that much about the laws that can help an employee or an employer in this situation, but I’m still sure there are some ways out, because if not, then most people would just take sick-leave certificates and enjoy doing nothing and getting money.

But I only wanted to show how people try to "cheat” at work

Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1127 | Added by: Luck | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
2 Luck  
haha))) I'm sure they'll be able to settle the problem in a "politically correct"way))I'm just afraid that as usual, there will be some "unclear" points which every side will interpret as it wants:)

1 Former-Teacher  
Seems to be a real employer-employee confrontation. This is an alarming precedent for both sides. Motives and wishes can be absolutely different and unpredictable. The legal norm should still continue to be, otherwise employment unstability will grow and trigger of social discontent. One possible way for the employer is to start a 're-organization/restructuring' campaign due to which some of his staff will be downsized, optimized, reconsidered, given new external job opportunities... Sounds politically correct cool

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