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Main » 2011 » January » 5 » The First Sin: to Love or to Think?
The First Sin: to Love or to Think?
Probably my interpretation of the real message of the 3rd chapter of Genesis somehow swerves from what people usually say about it. For me, the first sin is the act of the first people conforming to the laws of nature. The first sin is voluntarily stipulated by God’s intention. I think there are lexical identificators in the text of the chapter that give us some hints. "And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden”. We see the word ‘shall’ in it, not ‘must’. So it is not a prohibition, it is a warning. Eve and Adam were warned of the consequences that would befall them if they chose this path. Human nature is not congenitally sinful. The first sin is a conscious decision. God always provides us with alternatives, and it is we who choose the necessary variant. But it’s clear that the Fall occurs when we engage in human-centered love and ignore heaven and earth, ignore human beings, and ignore God. This is actually the main idea that was so skillfully buried in the words of the story of Adam and Eve. That means love can be different. And more than that, love can mean the Fall. Our love should be a guiding principle in our lives but we should remember that true love comes from God. Loving God implies loving everyone around you. The Fall means understanding that love may come from Satan; it’s when you abandon the road of heavenly love and step onto the path of some strange feeling – lucrative, selfish, devastating and egoistic. By the way, the first sin can be considered as an immersion of spirit into materiality. The first people ate from the tree of Good and Evil so that now we know what good and bad is.
Some people believe that God did not want his children to get hurt, but He did want them to progress. I believe this interpretation deviates from what is really implied in the story of Adam and Eve. I am inclined to think that God’s purest desire was to see His children living in harmony. Harmony means loving and respecting God and God’s will; it means living according to the laws of peaceful existence. The fact that the serpent as a character appeared in the story signifies that harmony was disturbed and the usual course of things was altered. I agree that rejecting the warning implied no condemnation for Adam and Eve, because they did not know the difference between right and wrong. But! They did understand this didn’t come from God, they could feel that something or someone was invading the world they used to live in. So this fact can be regarded as carelessness, an unintentional act of two people maddened by love. They destroyed the harmony and God was just to them and taught them a lesson – be responsible for what you have done. It is very sad that we don’t keep this lesson in mind nowadays.
Category: A Man and The Sacred (Group's Blog) | Views: 1025 | Added by: MissJane | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Former-Teacher  
Your essay is an adequate answer to many who think that God is there just to forbid or supress or punish. One thing that is really important to understand among many others is that God doesn't punish or prohibit or supress our will. As you have said, He warns, He designs, He respects, He explains, He teaches, He saves, He creates harmony. I would also argue with many who say that religion and thus believing in God are agisnt progress. Believing in God is believing in Progress and Civilization. The Civilization that doesn't ignore natural laws of cognition and exploration, the heavenly energy and human mind that has once been designed for harmony.

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