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Main » 2009 » November » 11
As you know the most burning issue of the day is Swine Flu. In my article I’ll try to answer the most important questions concerning this disease: what is swine flu? What are the symptoms? And of course how not to contract flu?
What is Swine Influenza or Swine Flu?
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of ... Read more »
Category: News around the world (by Luck) | Views: 1004 | Added by: Luck | Date: 11.11.2009 | Comments (5)

According to

“Calligraphy – written beauty of feelings”...
Have you ever thought what calligraphy is? Is it just a way to write words neatly and accurately? Or may be, it's a kind of art that not everybody can practise? If you look this word up in a dictionary you will find the following definitions: ... Read more »

Category: Writing about writing (by Rina) | Views: 1208 | Added by: Rina | Date: 11.11.2009 | Comments (8)

The world's largest cruise liner, the Oasis of the Seas, has set sail for Miami from the Finnish shipyard where it was built.
The 360 metre ship has a price tag of almost $1.5bn and was commissi ... Read more »
Category: Around the world (by Ayayulia) | Views: 1256 | Added by: Ayayulia | Date: 11.11.2009 | Comments (7)

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